5 Work in pairs.How long was the trip? What places did they visit? What did they do? Complete Days 3 and 4.
Day 1 (Jan. 2nd)
Day 2 north
Day 3
Day 4
Cape Town
see the carnival
took a train
6 Complete the chart with natural aspects and cultural expressions.
ea r th
oc large ball of
colo r celeb r at
i nte r est i h i sto r
ca r n
hyenas, l i ons, cheetahs, w i ldebeest
Natu r e
Cultu r e
beaut i
an i mals
7 Is anything in the story different to how you imagined an African country?
• Where do most people want to travel to where you live? Time to Shine! Comparative Chart
Reader Which of the activities would you enjoy the most? (pp. 56-58)
Step 2
• Work in small groups. What kinds of descriptions to travel stories include? • Choose at least five words or expressions that describe culture or nature. • Copy the words or expressions onto a diagram. Self-evaluation (Answer the question.)
• Did you order and match pictures to paragraphs? Tip: If you answered No, go back to Activities 2 and 3.
49 Unit 5
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