Z5650 - 5Primaria Sunburst - Cuaderno de Actividades


1 You are writing museum cards for this exhibit. Complete the sentences, write them down on a card, and share them with your classmates.

a  The computer

said to be one of the

best inventions of our times.

b  The computer designed by Charles Babbage more than a hundred years ago. c  The first digital computer built in 1937. It was called ABC. d  In 1981 the first personal computers sold. e  The laptop invented by Adam Osborne. f  More than one billion personal computers used in the world today.

Computer Evolution Icon

2 Choose an exhibit and write four sentences describing one of the objects. Illustrate the information for a museum.

3 Work in small groups. Present your museum cards and say what else you want to add to the exhibit.

Unit 6


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