Z5650 - 5Primaria Sunburst - Cuaderno de Actividades

How Can You Explain How to Get Somewhere?

1 Work together and use the words in the box to name each picture.Which option is the best where you live? 110

Social Practice of the Language To exchange information to move around in a place. Achievements • Explore directions. • Understand directions. • Describe the immediate environment as a reference point. • Give directions. • Write directions to get from one place to another. Product: Quick Guide to Get to Places Family and Community Environment

get a ride

ride a bike

a bus

the metro

a taxi


2 Look at the diagrams with the words in Activity 1.Talk about how you get to places.What transport do you use?


a taxi a bus


ride a bike get a ride


the metro

3 Listen and check the transport that is talked about. 32 4 Listen again.Answer the questions. 33 110 a Why are directions used in this conversation? b Who gives directions? c Who receives directions? d Which of the following do they use? a map a drawing signs


96 Lesson 1

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