King's Business - 1960-06

Christian H om e Featuresz 'H O W TO STAY H APP ILY M ARH IED ' "it ☆ HEFOHE AIV» AFTER MARR IAGE b y 31. It. OeHaan


f r om the W E S T PO I N T ” O F C H R I S T I A N S E R V I C E h a v e g o n e m o r e th a n 1 1 ,0 0 0 g r a d u a t e s . . . and since 1886, nearly three-quarters of a century, Moody Bible Institute has stood solidly upon the Bible as the verbally inspired, inerrant Word of God.









— a g a i n t h i s y e a r . . . M B I will graduate another class of dedicated young men and women . . . true to the Bible . . . thoroughly trained

in the fundamental doctrines and ready to proclaim Christ's glorious gospel message to men everywhere.

M any o f this year’s graduates will take the message o f salvation to the regions beyond, joining the more than 2 ,2 0 0 M B I alumni who are missionaries—active in 95 countries, serving under 2 0 0 mission boards. Others will continue their studies in preparation for pastorates. Down through the years, evangelical church life in' the United States has been greatly influenced by the Institute—and today, more than 4 ,0 0 0 M B I alumni are serving as pastors. A nd still others will engage in Christian education, strengthen­ ing the teaching ministries of churches which they may serve. The music ministry in many churches, year by year, is being enriched through the leadership of Moody-trained musicians. A ll this tuition-free training provided at M oody Bible Institute is made possible by thousands of faithful stewards who support the Institute’s Bible-centered program. The need today is greater than ever for trained men and women in all walks of life, firmly grounded in the doctrines of our historic Christian faith.

Y O U R S FREE fo r t h e a s k i n g . . . _____ MAIL COUPON TODAY ! M O O D Y BIBLE INSTITUTE 820 N. LaSalle Street

Dept. K-O-857

Chicago 10, Illinois Please send me a free copy o f “ G od ’ s P rovision F or H oly L i v i ng ,” by

Dr. William Culbertson, president o f M oody Bible Institute. A happy blending o f Bible study and practical exhortation. 128 pages, paper bound. Name_

Address. City_____

_Zon e. _State_ (To avoid cutting cover, use handy coupon on page 42)

IN T E R D E N O M IN A T IO N A L . . . E V A N G E L I C A L M O O D Y B I B L E I N S T I T 820 N . LaSalle S treet • Chicago 10, Illinois D r . W illiam C ulbertson , president • D r . S. M axw ell C oder , dean A C C R E D I T E D B Y A C C R E D I T I N G A S S O C I A T I O N OF B I B L E I N S T I T U T E S A N D B I B L E C O L L E G E S

--------- Im portant Sunday School N ew s --------------------------------------------------------- N O W . . .A L L NEW BEGINNERS COURSE Proves that 4 and 5 Year Olds Can Understand and Love the B ible!

naires were sent out to teach­ ers, superintendents, pastors, religious educators. Interviews and surveys were conducted in churches all over the country. The basic aim: to find out what you wanted in a new Beginners course, what was missing in existing cur- riculums, how a new course could answer all your needs.

Makes Teaching Easier, More Effective, More Rewarding Than Ever!

Here at last is a completely new, completely practical way to teach the Bible to Begin­ ners. Built to meet the needs o f your Sunday School as you d e s c r ib e d them , th is new course makes teaching a de­ light. W o n d e r fu l new visual aids catch and hold the chil­ dren’s interest, while the new­ est teaching methods provide them with a truly meaningful understanding of God’s Word.

New Course Based On Extensive Research And Thoroughly Pretested We built a brand-new course based on the results and tested it thoroughly in the classroom. Teachers acclaimed it en­ thusiastically. They found the Bible at the core of every les­ son, they liked the eye-catch­ ing new visual aids, the sim­ pler, more effective handwork, the step-by-step, easier to use Teacher’s Guide. ALL NEW in 4 IMPORTANT WAYS . 3 Up-to-date New Teaching Meth­ ods. Research uncovered the best ways to teach. Our staff Before one word was writ­ ten, thousands of q u e s t io n ­

Mrs. Marie Frost (Beginners Publications editor at David C. Cook Publishing Co.) models her new "Storygraph Apron," one of the many new lesson aids that bring the Bible to life for children using the Beginners Course.

B ra n d -n e w Curriculum . Two years of lessons and review, with the continuity you want. Considers every facet of the child’s spiritual and social needs, develops as the child’s mind and experience develop. . Sparkling New Content. Bible / stories and life examples that have meaning to 4’s and 5’s . . . lesson themes woven throughout for effortless learning . . . all parts of the lesson tied together in the new step-by-step Teacher’s Guide.

Perhaps the most ingenious, most practical way ever devised to dramatize Bible stories. Flannel apron with spacious “built-in” story area makes teacher a “ walking flannelboard” as she illustrates Bible stories from the new Course. Find out all about this clever new vis­ ual aid when you send for your Free Booklet.

tested, combined and refined them into the most sensible way ever to teach the Bible to Beginners. . Dramatic New V i s u a l s . You ¿1 asked for more visual aids, better visual aids. You’ll get them in this new course. New Story- graph Apron, new Handwork Activi­ ty Packets, new Bible Teaching Pic­ tures all help make your job easier and more effective.

New Course Designed by Outstanding Christian Educators

The new Beginners Course is ready to start fall quarter in your Sunday School. It includes ample material for use in Beginners Church as well— the Free 16-page Booklet describes the course for you in full detail.

Dr. V. Gilbert Beers, our Executive Edi­ tor of Children's Publications, Dr. Beers re­ ceived his Th.D. from Northern Baptist Sem­ inary and served as Associate Professor of Religious Education before joining David C. CoOk. . .....................


See your Christian Bookstore or M a il Coupon Below fo r


Mrs. Marie Frost, Mrs. Frost, wife of a

minister and mother of five young children, is our Editor of Beginners Publications. She is widely known as an author of Chris­ tian literature for Sunday Schools, and draws upon her practical experience in- dudirig 15 years as a public-school teacher.

To: David C. Cook Publishing Co., 850 N. Grove Ave., Elgin, III.

Dept. 5-F

Please mail me your Free 16-page Illustrated Booklet with all the facts about the New Beginners Course. Send to . . . . . . T, Address— City_____ _Zone_ -State- Check: □ Pastor □ Teacher □ Supt. Q D.R.E. □ Other-

D a v i d C o C o o k P U B L I S H I N G C O M P A N Y

850 North Grove Avenue • Elgin, Illinois

Full Church Name____________________ . Address______________________City__________________ State.


JUNE, 1960

T h e K i n g ' s A publicotion of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor S. H. Sutherland, President •

Ray A. Myers, Chairman of the Board

JUNE, in the year of our Saviour Nineteen Hundred and Sixty

Vol. 51, No. 6

Established 1910

Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home

IMlS VBS CAN BE FUN— FOR EVERYONE — Mrs. Clarence McCall 8 TOO BUSY TO BE A FATH ER — Roy Bernard .......................................... 10 DOES ANYON E REMEMBER FATH ER? — Helen Frazee-Bower 11 BEFORE AND AFTER MARRIAGE — Martin R. DeHaan .................. 12 HOW TO STAY HAPPILY MARRIED — Oliver G. Wilson ............... 15 REJOICING IN TR IA LS — G. Coleman Luck ............................................. 16 TODAY'S PREPARATION FOR ANTI-CHRIST'S RULE — William Ward Ayer .......................................................................... 21 THE UNLOCKING OF AN C IEN T CIV ILIZA T ION S — Paul S. Bauman .................................................................................. 23 CURRENT CHRISTIAN LITERATURE — Arnold Ehlert ..................... 33 A TEENAGER ASKS ABOUT SMOKING — Betty Bruechert ............ 40

M O L A S ■ 'S t J M M M l ' C O \ F K U K \ r K S

Hum« Lake, California

Aèìràal teem tça r»} J ö

( fo r

7 18 20 25 26 28 29 30 31

A MESSAGE FROM TH E EDITOR — Samuel H. Sutherland DR. TALBOT'S QUESTION BOX — Louis T. Talbot ............. PERSONAL EVANGELISM — Benjamin Weiss ....................... HYMNS YOU LOVE — Phil Kerr .................................................. TA LK IN G IT OVER — Clyde M. Narramore ............................. WORLD NEWSGRAMS — James O. Henry ............................. SCIENCE AND TH E BIBLE — Bolton Davidheiser ............... TH E CHRISTIAN HOME — Paul Bayles .................................. UNDER THE PARSONAGE ROOF — Althea S. Miller ....... ALUMN I NEWS — Inez McGahey ............................................... JUN IOR KING'S BUSINESS — Martha S. Hooker ...............

A u g u s t 1 4 - 2 Î


Mount Herrn i !•um ilif i.

*>««•«' )

39 41

’ îffll August 22-28 T

READER REACTION ................


HOM ILETICAL HELPS ........................... 19 TOWN AND CAMPUS NEWS .......................................................................... 38 PEOPLE IN TH E NEWS ...................... .............. ....................... 42

J — S H jE W W ü S Îy y d *The

(near Bellingham, Wash.)* (t'am ilff C o a ie r ea e e )

June is graduation month. May the young people on our cover serve as a reminder to pray for dedicated Christian youth in schools such as Biola. — All Rights Reserved —

' " for information and descriptive brochures, write:



JANE M. CLARK: Circulation Monager EDITORIAL BOARD Irene Boyd, Bolton Davidheiser, Arnold D. Ehlert, Charles L. Feinberg, James O. Henry, Martha S. Hooker. Al Sanders- Oran H. Smith, Gerald B. Stanton

ADVERTISING — For information oddress the Advertising Manoger, The King's Business, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California. MANUSCRIPTS — 'The King's Business" connot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts moiled to us for consideration. Second-class postage paid at Los An­ geles, California. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, California. ADDRESS: The King's Business, 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California.

SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION — 'The King's Business" is published monthly. U.S., its possessions, and Canada, $3.00, one year; $1.50. six months; 25 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Write for details. Foreign subscription 75 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES — Should be mode by bonk draft, express, or post office money order payable to "The King's Business.'

" The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc.: I 558 S. Hope S t , Los Angeles 1 7 , Calif. .

Picturë taken at fiume Lake, -Cal.) |



Reader Reaction PRAYS FOR KING'S BUSINESS I have been wanting, for some time, to write you and express my sincere appre­ ciation for the KB. It has certainly carried some tremendous articles recently that I have personally enjoyed. I have also en­ joyed the Message from the Editor by Dr. Sutherland. W e want you to know that we remember yo u rand your ministry and tremendous responsibilities in prayer from time to time. Rev. Glen A. Lehman, Chicago, Illinois PRESID EN TS COMMENTS I have been in Europe and the Middle East for the past six weeks, but upon my return I have come across the issue in which you congratulated our radio station on its tenth anniversary. I just wanted you to know that we ap­ preciate this good plug for our radio sta­ tion. They are doing a wonderful job in this area, and we are grateful for the rec­ ognition you have given them. Bob Jones, Jr., Bob Jones University, Greenville, South Carolina KING'S BUSINESS AIDS MISSIONARIES W e enjoy the magazine so much and find in it helps for our work as well as food for the soul. As missionaries, we are constantly “ giving out” so it is good to receive the KB and drink in spiritual food from your consecrated writers. W e have been receiving the KB while in Africa through a friend. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hendrickson, Glendale, Calif. "ONE EVEN ING " VOLUMES Thank you for featuring our “ One Eve­ ning” condensed v o l u m e s , UNDER ­ ST AN D ING TH E HOLY SPIRIT and TH E HAPP Y LIFE in your April issue. However, we went to call your attention to the fact that the books are published by Good News Publishers rather than by Moody Press. Good News Publishers, Westchester, Illinois WHEATON TOURS The very fine recent edition of THE K ING ’S BUSINESS just arrived, and I have had opportunity to leaf through its pages, expecting to read more in detail later. However, in the column, “People in the News,” I notice the article about Dr. Joseph Free of Wheaton College. The mention that was made of the tours indi­ cates that Dr. Free “will be conducting four tours for Wheaton College during 1960.” It should be clarified that these tours are under the direction of Dr. Joseph Free (who is a professor at Wheaton College), but they are not conducted by him for Wheaton College. These are Dr. Free’s tours, which he calls, “Wheaton Tours.” This is a private undertaking and is not College sponsored. David L. Roberts, Wheaton College, Wheaton, Ilf. (Letters continued, on next page)

Answer the Appeal o f a Little Child Will You Sponsor A Dear Korean Orphan For Only Eight Dollars a Month! Try it and See What Joy it Will Bring You may select your own child from the pictures herein and be­ come a sponsor of one of these dear Korean Orphan children. (You may ask a friend to be a co-sponsor with you— $4 each). You may write and send parcels to him any time you wish. H e'w ill answer and send you a picture of himself with the clothing on, toys in hand, etc. M y! What joy this brings! Every day these children are taught the Bible, sing Christ'an songs, earnestly pray. Every child is led to receive Christ as his personal Saviour. They all attend church, Sunday School and other services. A ll staff members are earnest Christians.


Number 5-D, Kim, Mang Bok, last year lost both parents when they were killed by a herd of wild boars while they were working on a farm in the mountains. He managed to get on a train and come

to Pusan where he was found begging and wandering about. Now he is well cared for in our New Person Orphanage, but must have a sponsor. Each child is waiting to have an American or Canadian “ Daddy and Momm ie!” For only $8 a month — ■ just 26 pennies a day - you or your Sunday School, Bible Class, Junior Church, Ladies Group, etc., will help bring Christ to your chosen boy or girl and train him to be a Christian leader in Korea. This $8 provides all the needs of the child, including school tuition which is not free in Korea. The ESEA is caring for well over 3,000 orphans, war widows and children of lepers. Many more are in desperate need, homeless, cold and hungry. Help us take in many more off the streets into our 52 Homes. W rite or phone N O W !

TH E EV ER ETT SWANSON EVANGELISTIC ASSOCIATION , INC. 4848 North Leonard Drive, Chicago 31, Illinois

,__________________________________CLIP AND MAIL TOD A Y -------------------------------- □ YES I want to sponsor an orphan for one ear. M y choice is Number --------------------------------- If this child has already been “ adopted,” I agree to support another whom you will select. With God’s help I will send $8 a month to your office. Please let me have my child’s name picture, address and story. I understand I may continue as long as I wish. SEND FULL PARTICULARS. Q I cannot “ adopt” a child but want to help by giving $----------------- ------ - ....—...............- ............... ' r“ l Please send me further information. Name.......... —S ............................... i --------- —— - ~ ..........................— —-................... ............................. I Address.--------------------------------------- --------------------------------- -------------- ------------------------------------— -------- ■—•*•*• City......... ......................... ..... ................... ......................Zone........State____ _______— ...... .... —.... ........................ . Gifts of any amount are welcome. A ll gifts and sponsorings are income tax deductible. THE EVER ETT SWANSON EVANGELISTIC ASSOCIATION , INC. Ac iJ{£«ik£* Dept. K-6 4848 North Leonard Drive, Chicago 31, Illinois, Telephone: GLadstone 6-6181


JUNE, 1960

precious moments with PRECIOUS . .

Reader Reaction ( cont .)

WHEN- DID JESUS DIE? In regard to the article by Rev. L. A. Hartman, “When Did Jesus Die?” (April, 1960), there are more things connected with the death of Jesus than set forth in this article. As for me, I stick with good old Dr. R. A . Torrey in his booklet, “Diffi­ culties in the Bible,” page 101. I think it well to publish this article in T H E K ING ’S BUSINESS. W as Jesus really three days and three nights in the heart of the earth? I would like to know Rev. Hartman’s affiliation. Rev. C. A. Bolcom, San Francisco, California E ditor ’ s N ote : Mr. Hartman’s background is as follows: Graduate of Findlay College, Findlay, Ohio. Professional Education training at Elizabethtown College, Eliza­ bethtown, Pa. Ordained by the East Penn­ sylvania Eldership of the Churches of God in North America—denominational head­ quarters at Harrisburg, Pa. (No connec­ tion with either organization known as “ The Church of God," with headquarters at Anderson, Indiana, or at Cleveland, Ten­ nessee.) The Churches of God are not Pentecostal. Experience: 16 years as pastor in eastern Pennsylvania, 4 years high school teaching, and 13 years service with the International Child Evangelism Fellow­ ship. In a forthcoming issue, we will be print­ ing Dr. R. A. Torrey’s article, “ Was Jesus Three Days and Three Nights in the Tomb?” KB G IFT TO MISSIONARIES For the past several months, for the second straight year, our family has been receiving TH E K ING ’S BUSINESS mag­ azine free as a gift subscription. Some dear friend, unknown to us, again is sending us this gift subscription and our family wishes to take this opportunity to express to you our very deep appreciation for this love gift of TH E K ING ’S BUSINESS magazine. W e look forward to each issue and are spiritually helped in many ways by the many fine articles of your authors on Christian living. I am a missionary teacher here in the Taiwan Christian College where I have been the past 4)4 school years teaching English and Bible. W e have over 1,000 Chinese and Taiwanese students in this registered Science and Engineering Col­ lege and it is estimated about of the students are Christians and the rest a mix­ ture of other Far Eastern religions so it presents a real challenge to evangelism. The Lord led me into a personal evange­ lism ministry here with my students and to the Lord’s glory He has led me to lead to Himself 28 students in my home and office the past 2)4 years. It is a slow work which takes much patience, love, prayer, and faith for the Lord to work to bring these students to Himself but what a joy when one sees his need of Christ as Lord and Saviour. Last semester I led 8 of them to Christ in m y office and will again this semester begin to evangelize them for the Lord. How wonderful to have some human part in the salvation of an eternal soul. Truly the Lord Jesus is a wonder worker,

ASSU lessons

make them count with

The lessons you teach today in your Sunday school may well help determine the future of your students. When you teach God’s Word, every minute counts. Make sure you select Union lessons for all departments of your Sunday school, from beginners through adults. ASSU Bible-centered Sunday school materials present the whole truth of the Bible. The Gospel is emphasized through-out and Christ j is made preeminent. Send for free sample materials today to Dept. K-60

AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION Suppliers of religious material to Sun­ day Schools for over a century. 1816 Chestnut Street, Philadelpha 3, Pennsylvania.

REACH ING THE FORGOTTEN CONT INENT Only within the last generation has Europe been recognized as a vast mission field. Certainly it is the forgotten or lost continent of the world, with a quarter of the earth's population, 98% of whom are unsaved. One million Europeans die every six weeks. This entire generation will go into eternity with many never hearing the Gospel of Christ, because methods of reaching them are inadequate without the help of radio. Europe has 101 million radio sets, a great potential for receiving the Gospel of Christ. Your assistance is urgently needed. TWR Monte Carlo will be "on the air" this Septem­ ber in 28 languages— to Europe, the Middle East, North Africa and behind the Iron Curtain. More dollar-a-month Radio Partners are needed. Pray, then give to this radio ministry. TRANS WORLD RADIO, "TH E VO ICE OF TAN G IER " 354 Main St., Chatham, N. J. Paul E. Freed, President

Free Gospel Hymns | 7 These leaflet form hymns (5 J4 "x 8 J4 ") free on application for personal devotions, tipping into sorig books, or choir use. Send 10c (coin) for sample package; then order desired hymns free. INDO-BURMA PIONEER MISSION, Box 185, Toronto 7, Canada

no man can work like Him ! John W. Allison, Chung Li, Taiwan



A MESSAGE from the editor Recently BIOLA concluded its first annual missionary rally on the new La Mirada campus. It was the most sat­ isfactory and satisfying missionary rally the school has yet experienced. There was considerably greater student interest in the meetings, greater student participation, and from all indications there was a greater student response this year than in previous rallies, at least in recent years. For all of this the administration and faculty of the school are profound­ ly thankful. This is evi­ dence that the missionary and Bible emphasis, is as strong today at BIOLA as it has ever been! It is a well-established fact that the number of students who volunteer to go to the foreign field as missionaries is greater than the numbers who actually arrive there. The question naturally arises: "Why do not more young people who respond to the missionary call actually go?" The answer is really quite simple; the young people involved answer this question themselves. The fact is that there is not sufficient funds available in the churches and elsewhere to send all of those who offer themselves for missionary service, or to keep them on the fields when they arrive. More foreign missionaries are operating in the free-world today than"ever before in the history of the missionary movement. However, the amount of work that is being done, compared with the amount of work that needs to be done, presents an appalling picture; So these volunteers are desperately needed and who is to sup­ port them? One very definite fact is that countries to which mis­ sionaries are going require more and more educational back­ ground. Mission boards have recognized this fact and are urging their missionary candidates to secure some kind of specialized training, rather than merely being equipped as Bible-trained evangelists and Bible teachers. This means that today young people should have some trade or profession along with their Bible training. Therefore it is imperative for a young 1 person (man or woman) who is contemplating service as a foreign missionary to obtain training and skill in specialized trades. Becoming a missionary today is a more complex and Com­ plicated procedure than it was a generation ago. The rise of nationalism, the increase in world literacy, the inroads of communism, the astounding means of instant communica­ tions and speedy travel in this jet age have all had their influences upon the complexity of today's missionary pro­ gram. Christian people everywhere are urged to pray most earnestly for the splendid young people who will be gradu­ ating from BIOLA and schools of similar nature during the coming months that the Lord will somehow provide for their every need and that they will be enabled to arrive, in good time, on the field of His appointment—ready to do His work. Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland

D ll. W ILL IAM CULBERTSON P r e s i d e n t , M o o d y B ib le I n s titu te speaks on the fundamentals of the faith. ATONEMENT “The uniform teaching of the Word of God is that the Lord Jesus Christ came into the world that He might die for the sin of men. ‘The Son of man came . . . to give his life a ransom for many’ (M at­ thew 2 0:28; Mark 10:45). ‘Christ Jesus. . . gave himself a ransom for all* (I Timothy 2 :5, 6 ). W e do not question for one moment that He came to reveal the Father, to do the Father’s will, to fulfill the law, to be the light of the world, to impart life, to witness to the truth, to destroy the works of the devil; but we affirm that basic to all is His atoning death and bodily resurrection. “Men need atonement, for men are lost. M en need to be saved, for men cannot save themselves. Since it is sin which separates from God, the sin question must be settled. God’s answer to men’s sin is the blood of Christ. Wherever else the sacrifice of Christ may be frowned upon and rejected, in heaven it is the song of the redeemed and the vindication of the holiness of God. No wonder it is called ‘precious blood’ (I Peter 1:19). “The sacrificial death of the Lord Jesus was for us; He died in our place. He ‘bare our sins in his own body on the tree’ (I Peter 2 :2 4 ). He ‘suffered for sins, the just for the unjust’ (I Peter 3 :1 8 ). ‘He hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin’ (II Corinthians 5 :21 ). ‘Christ Jesus . . . a ransom for all.’ It is by faith in H im who died and rose again that men find life everlasting (John 3 :1 6 ; 5:24 ; Ephesians 2 :8 , 9 ).” Every Christian should have a copy of Dr. Culbertson’s book God’s Provision for Holy Living , a happy blending of Bible study and practical exhortation. 112 pages, paper bound. For your free copy, write Moody Bible Institute, Dept. K-O-865, 820 N . LaSalle Street, Chicago 10, Illinois.

JUNE, I960


by Mrs. Chester McCall First of all, let’s examine our pro­ gram. The key is found in the title itself—Daily Vacation Bible School. Daily — it should have a definite planned routine. Vacation — it should be fun. Bible — the content should be the Word of God and should point to the Lamb of God. School — this should be a time of teaching, and everyone should learn. There are a number of keys which can unlock the door to a fruitful Vacation Bible School. A. T he K ey of P lann ing —This is the most important key of all, for it precedes all others. What should you plan? PLAN EVERYTHING! Perhaps the following check list wi11 be helpful. 1. P lan your dates — Consider other items on your summer church calendar, such as camps, conferences, etc. 2. P lan for workers —Begin to recruit them now— from Sunday School workers, from the church roll, from college students home for the summer, from high school- age helpers. Distribute a sign-up sheet e a r l y , l i s t i n g different opportunities for helping, such as I will teach; I will work in the nursery (for workers’ children on ly ); I will bake cookies; I will fjray daily. If you put “ I will do Nothing” at the bottom of the list, people will stop with a jolt and start back up the list. Be sure to follow up these names with a phone call and a thank you. 3. P lan your program —This in­ cudes surveying different courses of curriculum for Bible content, evangelistic emphasis, and corre­ lation of related activities, such as craft and recreation. 4. P lan your publicity ' —If pos­ sible, have a publicity chairman who can handle this important responsibility. ' 5. P lan your follow - u p . More contacts will probably be made in two weeks of Bible school than in six months of usual Sunday School activity. Conserve these contacts for eternity. B. T he K ey of P rogramming

IH, boy , Vacation Bible School,” is the thought that races across the minds o f our Junior-age youngsters as the first posters appear on bulletin boards in May. Tw o months pre­ viously, the first announcement of the need for VBS workers appeared in the bulletin. Was your thought, “ Oh, dear, VBS again,” as you read it and remembered all’ the work you did last year? Believe it or not, VBS can be fun— for everyone-— o ™ tVio rlirortnr teachers, and leaders.

1. M aterials —With the develop­ ment of courses, such as are now available from major publishing houses, the director has been re­ lieved of much of this responsi­ bility. If the course you choose is not complete with handwork sug­ gestions, missionary projects, etc., a visit to your local Gospel book­ store will solve your problems in this regard. THE KING'S BUSINESS

2. D ivision of R esponsibility —■ This is the- crucial point of your Bible School. Arrange your de­ partment so that a Superintendent will be in overall charge of a group and lead the worship; an­ other will be responsible for the lesson or story period; another will be in charge of workbooks; and another will supervise crafts. Have additional helpers who are familiar with the materials and routine to help as needed. In this way, workers of varying talents and abilities will have an oppor­ tunity to serve. Be sure to provide a separate staff for playground activities. High school and college-age young people are especially good at this point. By arranging a schedule for recess, every youngster will get a chance to work off some excess energy. At the same time, the teacher will have an oppor­ tunity for a “ coffee break,” which has been prepared by the kitchen crew. After the playground ac­ tivity, the pupils will return to their rooms for a “ juice break.” This time on the playground and during refreshments will make'the last hour of Bible school a pleas­ ure instead of a chore. 3. Make your closing program an all-out effort to reach parents. Make sure the plan of salvation is evident to everyone. Provide an opportunity for each child to par­ ticipate in some way. You’ll find your follow-up calls easier if made in the afterglow of a successful closing program. C. T he K ey of P ublicity — What good is all your planning and work if no one comes? We live in a day when we are bombarded on every side by messages about tooth- past, cereal, and automobiles. If you want your message to get through, you must make your call loud and clear. Use every means at your disposal. Bulletin an­ nouncements, posters, buttons, a sign-up booth in front of the church, newspaper stories with pictures from last year’s school, a mailing piece with an enrollment blank enclosed, a caravan of cars. On the Saturday before Bible school, have the youngsters dis­ tribute handbills throughout the neighborhood. Attractive head- bands, armbands, or sandwich board signs telling about your school will identify the young­ sters and serve to atract attention. Be sure to have refreshments afterwards. Remember that many doors that are closed to an invita­

Eager youngsters look forward to the daily craft projects.

The rythmn band ensemble.

Decorating ice cream carton wastebaskets.

tion to Sunday School will open readily when you offer to provide worthwhile activities f o r t h e youngsters for three hours daily. One final word: Provide for every­ one. Try an evening Bible school for your young people. If you must use the same leaders as in the morning school, arrange it to come during dif­ ferent weeks. Make provision for a time of evaluation and expression of appreciation to your workers. A luncheon with a time for fellowship and discussion, together with recom­ mendations for next year will be most profitable. Be sure to keep written notes! Above all, remember that this is spiritual work and can only be done in the strength of the Lord. He will provide the strength and energy needed and will reward you with a “Well done.” END

The author and her husband are owners of the Lighthouse Gospel Bookstore in Long Beach. She was formerly Director of Christian Education at the No. Long Beach Brethren Church. Photos from the church.

JUNE, I960



TOO BUSY by Roy Bernard H ow much time do fathers spend with their children? Surely the results of a survey reported to be taken by school children could not apply to Christian fathers in Christian homes. Yet, included in the survey must have been a certain percentage of Christian fathers. The figures are very disturbing and quite unbeliev­ able. These school children kept tab on what time their fathers spent with them over a period of time. The time that a boy or girl had together with Dad amounted to ten minutes a week! This was together. A boy with his father, just the two of them, or a girl with her father. Young Mrs. Benton says to her husband, “ Jim, dear, have you time to take Johnny to the park?” She has asked him so often it borders on harping. He says, “ But you and Johnny went only yesterday— ” She sighed. That wasn’t the idea. “ I know,” she said. “ I’m the one who always goes with him. But it’s you he wants to be with.” She couldn’t count the times that Johnny had begged his father to play with him, in the park, catch at home, quite anything, just to be together. And Johnny would come to her often and say sadly that Daddy wouldn’t play with him. Jim was slipping into his windbreaker jacket. “ Got no time now, dear.” He was preoccupied. “ Going to work on A l’s motor and make a few dollars. We can use ’em, you know.” She turned aside despairingly. Jim felt all he had to do in his role of father was to provide the money. She’d told Jim that many times. And his answers were always the same. “ Johnny’s got everything,” he’d say. “He’s got his weekly allowance, good bike, all kinds of clothes, private room, playmates—here, give him this.” He’d hand out a piece of silver, and she sometimes thought he did it to ease his conscience— she hoped it was that. After which he’d say something like, “Have to go to the shop— ” something which left Johnny out. She said now, as she’d often said, “ I’m troubled because you don’t spend more time with Johnny. You’re his ideal—his pattern to grow up by. I can’t be the pattern. I’m afraid he might pick some man not worthy to copy. He wants you to be his pal.” She stopped, then added heavily, “ You just can’t see it— ” He gave her a peck on the cheek and was gone. She couldn’t help feeling that it was because of one of these so-called small things that children went as­ tray. It wasn’t good fathering. It was being careless to a dangerous extent. And how many times had Johnny said to her, “ Daddy never has time to do anything with me. When I ask him things, he says to ask Mom, or my teachers. Don’s dad has time to play with Don, though.” How well she knew that! It seemed to her an ideal father-son relationship. She saw them fly kites together, play catch, go for swims and hikes and they’d work

to be a


together in Frank’s do-it-yourself shop in the garage. She could see that Don was a happy boy, wonderfully adjusted. His school grades were excellent and he’d never been in the least bit of trouble. Of course, so far, Johnny had not been, either. Except that she’d catch him looking wistfully at his father when he’d drive off alone in the car. She saw no reason why Jim could not take Johnny along. On two of these occasions Johnny had gone off and was gone for hours, no one knew where, and once she was on the verge of reporting him missing. “Where on earth were you!” she had demanded. He said he had been on an “ adventure” along the river. “You are not to go alone to that dangerous river again,” she’d ordered. She knew he’d often begged his father to hike along the river, but Jim of course hadn’t the time. So her mind held the distressing thought that one of these days something regrettable must happen—she didn’t know what. That was the life in the home of the Bentons, who were lukewarm Christians and now-and-then church goers. And what about father-daughter relationships? Need a father spend much time with his little daugh­ ter, or daughters? Or is this, too, the sole business of the mother? Let us see. Mother-daughter relationships are usually close. The little girl identifies with her mother, patterns after her—these patterns are vital. A boy must have his own sex, a man he admires, to copy. Of what value is it for a little girl to have a together- association with her father, a palship? Well, some day this child will marry. To her, her father is the example of manhood. He is, or should be, her hero, not merely a bread-and-butter getter with no time to laugh and kid with her, tease her and show he loves her in his man’s way. She’ll come to see what men are. like, that they’re very different from women. But the little girl who has no time with her father doesn’t get to know men. If he is indifferent, so will she be toward men; she is being conditioned, psychologists tell us. These days we hear much of fatherless children, those whose fathers have left them. Yet, the father of a family, if he does no more than supply the food, clothing, hous­ ing and money for his brood, is not truly a father. His children might get the same in an orphanage, or—God forbid—in a school of correction. Fatherhood is surely more than “ bringing home the bacon.”



FATHER? by He l e n F r a z e e - B owe r

does anyone remember

much who does not assume it. Every child needs not only the tenderness and comfort of a mother’s loving ministry, he needs also the strength and authority in­ vested in a good father. Indeed, how is he ever to learn the true meaning of the scriptural term, “ Our Father”— that sublime combination of intimacy and reverence— unless he has come to associate the words first with an earthly father? The rapid pace of modem living does much to dis­ rupt family life; but there is a way back—the way of the family altar, presided over by Father himself. It only takes a few minutes, but it is investment for eternity. Even in homes where spiritual training is emphasized, much of it is often left to Mother. She is the one who reads the Bible stories and listens to the prayers. Many children never hear Father pray. Who can estimate what it can mean to children to have a man in the house who talks to God; to have the one who represents authority, to them, humble himself in their presence and bow be­ fore the Supreme Authority? They would grow up with the idea that religion is not merely for women and chil­ dren: it is for strong men as well. In my childhood home it was Father who opened the Good Book in the evening; it was Father who asked the blessing upon*our daily food. One austere phrase from those prayers lingers with me yet: “forgive us our sins of omission and commission.” As a child I had no idea what those big words meant, but humbly I bowed my head and asked God to keep me from such things—for they sounded terrible to me! It was years before I realized how completely Father had covered the field of human failure in that one brief phrase; but it served to inspire me with a wholesome fear of sin that I have never been quite able to get away from. Perhaps our zeal for the democratic way of life and our fear of dictatorship have caused some to think of Dad as a despot and tried to dethrone him. He may have abdi­ cated the responsibility of leadership since it seemed too great. In any case, there is a woeful lack of filial piety in many homes today. I am told, in some Latin American countries the children are taught to rise when the father enters the room. This may seem a bit too autocratic; but it would certainly be a nice gesture if someone would at least vacate Father’s special chair and let him sit down when he arrives! Perhaps putting out the house slippers, and the evening paper, may seem a bit servile for this generation; but it would be a fine thing to stop activity long enough to greet Father when he arrives and make him feel that this is a moment for which we have been waiting. To reinstate Father may exact something from each of us, even from him; for, after all, respect and prestige cannot be demanded, they must be commanded. On special occasions we so often hear the words, “I never know' what to give Dad.” Would it not be a good thing to give him back his rightful place in the home? And would it not be a good thing to accept it, Father?

n pH E words “ I remember Mama” are more than a JL phrase borrowed from a popular piece of fiction. They are also an expression of a reasonably - general human experience. It is a rare child indeed who does not carry into maturity an accurate picture of Mother in the home, a nostalgic memory that colors a great many of the experi­ ences of life’s later years. How often one hears the phrase, “Were it not for Mother’s prayers . . . ” A fine thing, to be sure. But I find myself wanting to ask, “What about Father? Does anyone remember Father?” This is not a facetious statement. It is an honest ques­ tion arising from a very real concern over something which seems to have happened to a great many fathers within the space of my own lifetime. It would seem that Father has to some extent become a fringer in the family group, an outsider in the home which he provides. Per­ haps this has grown out of .the popular conception that divides parents into two categories: Mother, the home­ maker; and Father, the breadwinner. This ought not to be. The two tasks cannot be divided. They are each a part of one and the same thing. Just as Mother has a share in the breadwinning, because she “ tarrieth by the stuff,” as the Bible puts it; so Father has a vital part in the homemaking—because he “ goeth down to the battle.” Just how Father became relegated to the rank of mere provider, and just who has been responsible for it, might be difficult to determine. No doubt we have all had some part in it, including Dad himself. The pressures of life being what they are, it is easy for a man to become so involved in forging ahead in his business, or profession, that he has little time or energy to devote to family life. Somewhere, in the back of his mind, is the knowledge that what he is doing is “ all for them” anyway. He is so right too! That is the unfortunate part of it. In life so many correct facts can lead to unfortunate conclusions. A ll this affects Mother’s attitude. A little overwhelmed by the endless round of household tasks, and a little lonely for the man she married, but who now seems to be wedded to his work, she is apt to concentrate on the children as compensation. Gradually she may even come to think of them as largely “ her children”—except when she needs to fall back upon Father for discipline. Thus, the first two steps have been taken toward Father’s di­ minishing role in the family circle. It is probably true that many broken homes have been the result of just such an innocent beginning. In its more far-reaching consequences such be the case, and there is always the regrettable fact that children are growing up today with no very clear notion of Father’s true place in the home. They are not seeing in proper perspective the man who labors so hard to give them life’s necessities. God would not have it so. He has appointed man to be the head of the household: the guardian of spiritual things as well as temporal. A child misses much who does not see his father in this role; and the father misses

JUNE, I960


by D r . M a r tin R . D eH aan

W hat sorrow, regret, and grief would be avoided if Christian parents and children alike would only obey the simple, clear, and helpful instruction of the Word of God. The Christian home should be the nearest thing to heaven here upon this earth, and yet the old- fashioned Christian home is fast disappearing with the resultant breakdown of morals and its increase in divorce and juvenile delinquency. Divorce is always wrong among Christians; it is never right and is never to be justified. It is always because of sin and failure to obey the clear teaching of the Word of God somewhere along the line. Divorce should never even be mentioned by true believers, let alone indulged in. It should never even come to our minds. There are no differences, no troubles, no arguments, which cannot be lovingly solved if we are only willing to obey God, instead of stubbornly insisting upon our own selfish and fleshly ways. But the seeds of divorce are planted long before the marriage, and the root of divorce lies in the failure of men and women to follow God’s simple rules laid down in the Scriptures. The great majority of broken homes are determined long before the wedding takes pjace. The causes which later have resulted in separation could only have been pre­ vented before the marriage union was consumated. An Ounce of Prevention We are, therefore, far more interested in the preven­ tion of these ills than in seeking to fix them up after they have happened. The only remedy lies in avoiding, before marriage, the things which inevitably result in disaster, after marriage. We, therefore, wish to point out some of the things to be avoided before marriage is even con­ templated. Hasty Marriages One of the most frequent causes of the broken home is the hasty marriage. Marriage is a most serious thing; it is a life contract before Almighty God, never to be broken, and when it is broken;- it is in absolute disobedience to the original purpose and plan of Almighty God. Jesus plainly said: “ From the beginning of the creation God made them male and female. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his w ife.” Mark 10:6-7 In the sight of God, marriage therefore, is for life, without any exceptions. When you were married you promised that, “ forsaking every other, you would cleave to her only so long as you both should live.” Do you remember making that promise, as you stood before the preacher? That was your promise made solemnly before Almighty God, “ To cleave to her only and alone as long as you both should live.” To fail to keep that promise, solemnly made on the day of your wedding is to break your marriage vow and become a covenant breaker in the sight of Almighty God. Oh, young people, young men and young women, avoid hasty marriages. Think, pray, con­ sider, look before you leap, rather than act in haste and repent at leisure. THE KING'S BUSINESS

“ Wives, submit yourselves unto your own hus­ bands, as it is fit in the Lord. Husbands, love your wives, and be not bitter against them.

Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.” Col. 3:18-21

some face will be different twenty years from now. Time and care make many changes. The beauty which can make your life happy to th'e end is deeper than fair skin, soft hands, and a beautiful physique and silken hair. The hidden beauty of a quiet spirit, a loving disposition, an understanding heart, are not immediately apparent on the outside. When the storms have scarred the tree, and the sands of time have almost run out, there will be a beauty then which remains, firm, imperishable and true, which is of great price. Listen to Peter’s advice in 1 Peter 3:1-4: “ Likewise, y e wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word'be won by the conversation of the wives; While they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear. Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or the putting on of apparel: But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price. Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered. Finally, be y e all of one mind, having compassion one of another, love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous.” I Peter 3:1-4, 7-8 Here, indeed, is a bit of advice that might well be studied and memorized by all husbands and wives. One more bit of advice. Pray much together about your proposed marriage. Let me repeat that. Pray much, and pray often, about your proposed marriage. If you as Christians considering marriage cannot pray about your marriage together, you simply don’t belong together. But now suppose you have observed the rules that I have tried to give you, and you have been Scripturally married, not too young, not in haste, after much prayer together. Now what is the course to follow. Very simply, let me give you a few very definite rules. Remember, though you are Scripturally united, you are still two different personalities. You are still different, and must learn to grow into each other’s lives and become united as one. There will be differences, but they will disappear if you will only follow these rules: 1. Begin your home life with God. After the wedding is over and you are alone, immediately build a family altar and keep it in repair. Each day when possible begin the day with prayer and the Word of God together. At the close of the day assemble the family for prayer and for the reading of the Bible. Families who pray together, stay together. That statement can bear repeating. Families who pray together, always stay together. Make Jesus Your Pattern Rule No. 2 for happiness is: Make Jesus the pattern in all your relationships. He sought not His own, but always the other’s good. He found His happiness in making others (concluded on next page)

Incompatability The second warning before you marry is the matter of mixed marriage. One of the commonest reasons given for divorce in our courts is incompatability, by which they mean a clash of personalities, differences of views on religion and morals. But the incompatability did not arise after marriage; it was already present before mar­ riage and should have been recognized before the clash in personalities resulted. The avoidance of hasty'marriages, going slow, would have revealed these incompatible qual­ ities before the damage had been done. Differences of temperament and tastes, differences of race and habits, differences of religion, often blossom into broken homes and all of its resultant disasters. In general, marriage should be on one’s own level as far as possible, on a com­ mon agreement on both religion and faith. Inter-marriage between different faiths is a dangerous practice unless both are willing to submit themselves entirely to the Word of God. We hear a great deal about tolerance of different faiths and religions and classes today. It has become the subject of a great deal of intensive propaganda. All of this may be fine, and we have no objection to it, as far as society is concerned and business, in the matter of recreation and social intercourse, but marriage is quite a different thing. Tolerance is a fine thing in its place, but husbands and wives should never tolerate one another. Tolerance is not the answer in the marriage relationship. By tolerance we simply mean that we are willing to endure and put up with things in others which we don’t like about them at all, but we are willing to just overlook and tolerate these differences, for the good of all. Now this, of course, may sound fine, but it cannot work in the marriage rela­ tionship. If my wife and I simply tolerate one another, we may get along for a while in this way, but sooner or later, bang!, tolerance ceases to be a virtue. Tolerance is not the answer. Love is the only solution to the prob­ lem. The world preaches tolerance, but Christ enjoins love. If you merely decide to tolerate one another’s reli­ gious differences, it is never going to work. Unless you are willing to give up, in love,'mutually, your differences and be fully agreed in this most important matter, only misery can result. Agreeing to tolerate one another you may say, “ You go to your own church, and I’ll go to mine.” This sounds fine,, but it is a hopeless dream. How can two walk together except they be agreed? Much less, how can two live together and raise a family together, and worship together, except they be agreed? Avoid mixed marriages. You can love your neighbor in spite" of his different faith, but you don’t have to marry his daughter. Look for Quality A third bit of advice in addition to the warning against hasty marriages and mixed marriages is this. Look for spiritual qualities, not mere physical beauty and appeal. Remember you have to live together a long time, and a pretty face may be nice to look at, but physical beauty is only skin deep. That pretty face is going to change after a while. Those square shoulders and that masculine, hand­

JUNE, 1960


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