King's Business - 1960-06

HOW TO PUBLISH YOUR BOOK Join our successful authors in a complete publishing program: pub licity, advertising, handsome books Send for FREE manuscript report and copy of HowTo PublishYour Book C O M E T P R E S S B O O K S WRITE Dept. KB-6 200 Varick St., New York 14 " I f America Elects A CATHOLIC President!”

LITERATURE (continued) soring the project, and they project simultaneous publication throughout the world. The New Testament is scheduled for release in the Spring of 1961. Scholars from different denomi­ nations and from a number of British universities •have taken part in the translation work. A Joint Committee of the Churches is supervising the work. Kregel Publications is undertaking the reprinting of the famous, but scarce, Englishman’s Bible in the large edition. This is designed to bring the English language reader as close to the original Greek and He­ brew as is possible without a know­ ledge of those languages. They have also just put back into print the Rotherham Emphasized Bible and Emphasized Neu> Testament. Survey There are many ways* to look at current book production. One that we have not seen in annual book num­ bers is to select one recent important title from each of the major religious publishers, or religious departments of general publishers. We acknow­ ledge that this may not be the most significant title published by the par­ ticular house during the past year, and that someone else might have chosen a different book. These are included here only as an indication that they are in some area at least significant titles; it is understood that we do not necessarily agree with the viewpoints of all the authors, or recommend them for evangelicals, ex­ cept that they might want to keep up with developments in different fields. T h e important evangelical books are for the most part reviewed regularly in the book column. Abingdon, Nashville: The Gospel of Truth by Kendrick Grobel ($4.00). Second of the major treatises of the Gnostic manuscripts recently found in Egypt. Association Press, New York: Christianity and Communism Today by John C. Bennett ($3.50). Provocative discussion of a crucial tension. Augsburg, Minneapolis: Christian Faith and Liberal Arts by 15 authors ($4.95). Discussion of the liberal arts in relation to the contemporary American college as viewed from the perspective of the Christian faith. Baker Book House, Grand Rapids: Dictionary of Theology edited by Everett F. Harrison ($7.95). Covers Biblical and doctrinal matters in a middle-of- the-road manner using contributors from America and abroad. Beacon Hill, Kansas City, Mo.: The Epistle to the Hebrews by H. Orton W iley ($4.95). The former President of Pasadena College (Nazarene) presents here a life-long study of considerable weight. Beacon Press, Boston: God and Man in Washing­ ton by Paul Blanshard $3.50). Controversial author handles religious implications in national government. Especially timely in view of the fall elections. Bethany Press, St. Louis: Winning What You Want by J. Clyde Wheeler ($2.95). Practical psychology. (Continued on page 35)


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