King's Business - 1960-06

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By INEZ McGAHEY W. R. and Hazel (Long '23) Hunriches, Gustine, California: “In South Dos Palos several house-to-house visitation trips were made, covering the whole town. One man accepted the Lord; others were interested. Pray for the Bible class in a local M exi­ can camp. W e are interested in starting a Sunday School in a needy neighborhood about seven miles from our home. . .' . In a Mexican district, about fifteen miles away, we were received with open arms. . . . to begin a Sunday School.”

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THINGS TO COME J. DW IGHT PENTECOST This is perhaps the great­ est book on the prophetic Scriptures in our genera­ tion, covering an enor­ mous scope o f "Things to Come.” This is for all lovers o f Bible prophecy. W idely r e c e i v e d and highly recommended I $7.95 DUNHAM PUBLISHING COMPANY Findlay, Ohio

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S A V E A C H I L D Only $40 a year, the average cost of support including medicines Send your gift to American Leprosy Missions 4219 Lankershim Blvd. North Hollywood, California Free literature and films to churches

Mel and Wanda (Howard '52) Miller, San Gabriel, California are busy these days as M el engages in a race to receive the Republican nomination for the United States Congress, 25th District, California. Lucille '4 0 and Richard A. Webster, Taiwan: W e have just finished our Bible School . . . . Since we last wrote, one farmer took back the land where we were to build the girls’ dormitory, and the buddhist cut off the ox-cart road into the ‘mount.’ Our caretaker became very sick and was so intimidated by the neighbors that he almost quit his job. Thieves broke into my office and stole the typewriter and mimeograph. . . . Difficulties make a won­ derful backdrop for the Lord’s working. There have been more students coming to the Lord these last few weeks than we have seen for months. . . . The students really are taking persecution for their faith. . . . The buddhist did open the road; we have a place for the girls’ dormi­ tory, better than the other.” Herbert '2 7 and Doris Cassel, Central America: “ In Guatemala, the Robinson Bible Institute graduation and farewell conference were greatly blessed, with 700 Indians attending.” . BIOLAN'S M EETING IN AFRICA Standing (left to right) Laura Best, Bill Crouch, Edith Crouch, Gene Copeland, and Joe Copeland. Sitting (left to right) John Wiebe, Nancy Wiebe, Bea Kogalsky, Paul Rogalsky, Alice Soderberg, Clarence Soderberg, John Clay, Dorothy Clay, and John Nickel.

THE REDEMPTION STORY IN SCRIPTURE Portraying the Creation and Fall of man and God's plan for his Redemp­ tion through the Birth, Life, Death, Burial, Resurrection, Ascension and Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. By Roy W. Porter, Montour, Idaho Prepared especially for Young People, Seekers, New Converts and Personal workers. Commended Favorably by College and Seminary Presidents, Teachers, Pastors and Evangelists. Names and statements available .from Author.

Price Post Paid — 75c ( address author above)

For low cost per thousand advertising rates , contact : Advertising Manager, The King's Business 558 South Hope Street • Los Angeles 17, California

FLANNELGRAPHS from GENESIS to REVELATION Make your talks dynamic, your teaching easier with Characters. REALISTIC, LIFE-LIKE DRAWINGS, full 13 colorful hand painted backgrounds. Story-O-Graphs COLOR, large Bible size. Vis-U-Fold . . . Aluminum Telescopic Tripod and fabric boar folds into compact roll. Write for FREE folder and price list to STORY-O-GRAPHS, P.O. Box 145-M, Dept. KB, Pasadena 16, Calii


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