King's Business - 1960-06

Reader Reaction PRAYS FOR KING'S BUSINESS I have been wanting, for some time, to write you and express my sincere appre­ ciation for the KB. It has certainly carried some tremendous articles recently that I have personally enjoyed. I have also en­ joyed the Message from the Editor by Dr. Sutherland. W e want you to know that we remember yo u rand your ministry and tremendous responsibilities in prayer from time to time. Rev. Glen A. Lehman, Chicago, Illinois PRESID EN TS COMMENTS I have been in Europe and the Middle East for the past six weeks, but upon my return I have come across the issue in which you congratulated our radio station on its tenth anniversary. I just wanted you to know that we ap­ preciate this good plug for our radio sta­ tion. They are doing a wonderful job in this area, and we are grateful for the rec­ ognition you have given them. Bob Jones, Jr., Bob Jones University, Greenville, South Carolina KING'S BUSINESS AIDS MISSIONARIES W e enjoy the magazine so much and find in it helps for our work as well as food for the soul. As missionaries, we are constantly “ giving out” so it is good to receive the KB and drink in spiritual food from your consecrated writers. W e have been receiving the KB while in Africa through a friend. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hendrickson, Glendale, Calif. "ONE EVEN ING " VOLUMES Thank you for featuring our “ One Eve­ ning” condensed v o l u m e s , UNDER ­ ST AN D ING TH E HOLY SPIRIT and TH E HAPP Y LIFE in your April issue. However, we went to call your attention to the fact that the books are published by Good News Publishers rather than by Moody Press. Good News Publishers, Westchester, Illinois WHEATON TOURS The very fine recent edition of THE K ING ’S BUSINESS just arrived, and I have had opportunity to leaf through its pages, expecting to read more in detail later. However, in the column, “People in the News,” I notice the article about Dr. Joseph Free of Wheaton College. The mention that was made of the tours indi­ cates that Dr. Free “will be conducting four tours for Wheaton College during 1960.” It should be clarified that these tours are under the direction of Dr. Joseph Free (who is a professor at Wheaton College), but they are not conducted by him for Wheaton College. These are Dr. Free’s tours, which he calls, “Wheaton Tours.” This is a private undertaking and is not College sponsored. David L. Roberts, Wheaton College, Wheaton, Ilf. (Letters continued, on next page)

Answer the Appeal o f a Little Child Will You Sponsor A Dear Korean Orphan For Only Eight Dollars a Month! Try it and See What Joy it Will Bring You may select your own child from the pictures herein and be­ come a sponsor of one of these dear Korean Orphan children. (You may ask a friend to be a co-sponsor with you— $4 each). You may write and send parcels to him any time you wish. H e'w ill answer and send you a picture of himself with the clothing on, toys in hand, etc. M y! What joy this brings! Every day these children are taught the Bible, sing Christ'an songs, earnestly pray. Every child is led to receive Christ as his personal Saviour. They all attend church, Sunday School and other services. A ll staff members are earnest Christians.


Number 5-D, Kim, Mang Bok, last year lost both parents when they were killed by a herd of wild boars while they were working on a farm in the mountains. He managed to get on a train and come

to Pusan where he was found begging and wandering about. Now he is well cared for in our New Person Orphanage, but must have a sponsor. Each child is waiting to have an American or Canadian “ Daddy and Momm ie!” For only $8 a month — ■ just 26 pennies a day - you or your Sunday School, Bible Class, Junior Church, Ladies Group, etc., will help bring Christ to your chosen boy or girl and train him to be a Christian leader in Korea. This $8 provides all the needs of the child, including school tuition which is not free in Korea. The ESEA is caring for well over 3,000 orphans, war widows and children of lepers. Many more are in desperate need, homeless, cold and hungry. Help us take in many more off the streets into our 52 Homes. W rite or phone N O W !

TH E EV ER ETT SWANSON EVANGELISTIC ASSOCIATION , INC. 4848 North Leonard Drive, Chicago 31, Illinois

,__________________________________CLIP AND MAIL TOD A Y -------------------------------- □ YES I want to sponsor an orphan for one ear. M y choice is Number --------------------------------- If this child has already been “ adopted,” I agree to support another whom you will select. With God’s help I will send $8 a month to your office. Please let me have my child’s name picture, address and story. I understand I may continue as long as I wish. SEND FULL PARTICULARS. Q I cannot “ adopt” a child but want to help by giving $----------------- ------ - ....—...............- ............... ' r“ l Please send me further information. Name.......... —S ............................... i --------- —— - ~ ..........................— —-................... ............................. I Address.--------------------------------------- --------------------------------- -------------- ------------------------------------— -------- ■—•*•*• City......... ......................... ..... ................... ......................Zone........State____ _______— ...... .... —.... ........................ . Gifts of any amount are welcome. A ll gifts and sponsorings are income tax deductible. THE EVER ETT SWANSON EVANGELISTIC ASSOCIATION , INC. Ac iJ{£«ik£* Dept. K-6 4848 North Leonard Drive, Chicago 31, Illinois, Telephone: GLadstone 6-6181


JUNE, 1960

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