King's Business - 1960-06

2. D ivision of R esponsibility —■ This is the- crucial point of your Bible School. Arrange your de­ partment so that a Superintendent will be in overall charge of a group and lead the worship; an­ other will be responsible for the lesson or story period; another will be in charge of workbooks; and another will supervise crafts. Have additional helpers who are familiar with the materials and routine to help as needed. In this way, workers of varying talents and abilities will have an oppor­ tunity to serve. Be sure to provide a separate staff for playground activities. High school and college-age young people are especially good at this point. By arranging a schedule for recess, every youngster will get a chance to work off some excess energy. At the same time, the teacher will have an oppor­ tunity for a “ coffee break,” which has been prepared by the kitchen crew. After the playground ac­ tivity, the pupils will return to their rooms for a “ juice break.” This time on the playground and during refreshments will make'the last hour of Bible school a pleas­ ure instead of a chore. 3. Make your closing program an all-out effort to reach parents. Make sure the plan of salvation is evident to everyone. Provide an opportunity for each child to par­ ticipate in some way. You’ll find your follow-up calls easier if made in the afterglow of a successful closing program. C. T he K ey of P ublicity — What good is all your planning and work if no one comes? We live in a day when we are bombarded on every side by messages about tooth- past, cereal, and automobiles. If you want your message to get through, you must make your call loud and clear. Use every means at your disposal. Bulletin an­ nouncements, posters, buttons, a sign-up booth in front of the church, newspaper stories with pictures from last year’s school, a mailing piece with an enrollment blank enclosed, a caravan of cars. On the Saturday before Bible school, have the youngsters dis­ tribute handbills throughout the neighborhood. Attractive head- bands, armbands, or sandwich board signs telling about your school will identify the young­ sters and serve to atract attention. Be sure to have refreshments afterwards. Remember that many doors that are closed to an invita­

Eager youngsters look forward to the daily craft projects.

The rythmn band ensemble.

Decorating ice cream carton wastebaskets.

tion to Sunday School will open readily when you offer to provide worthwhile activities f o r t h e youngsters for three hours daily. One final word: Provide for every­ one. Try an evening Bible school for your young people. If you must use the same leaders as in the morning school, arrange it to come during dif­ ferent weeks. Make provision for a time of evaluation and expression of appreciation to your workers. A luncheon with a time for fellowship and discussion, together with recom­ mendations for next year will be most profitable. Be sure to keep written notes! Above all, remember that this is spiritual work and can only be done in the strength of the Lord. He will provide the strength and energy needed and will reward you with a “Well done.” END

The author and her husband are owners of the Lighthouse Gospel Bookstore in Long Beach. She was formerly Director of Christian Education at the No. Long Beach Brethren Church. Photos from the church.

JUNE, I960


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