Z5669 - 6Primaria Sunburst - Guía para el docente

Product and Assessing My Learning Process


1. Reflect. Read the question aloud and elicit answers from different students. Encourage them to give reasons. 2. Look through the unit to recall what you have learned to learn, to know, and to do. Give students some time to leaf through the pages of the unit so they can recognize the achievements they attained while working on each of the activities. Encourage them to share them with their classmates. 3. In your notebook, write what you think was difficult to achieve. Check the tips given at the end of each lesson and explain how they may help you improve. Invite students to reread the tips given at the end of each lesson and reflect on how these tips may help them to improve. Have them write their conclusions in their notebook. Make sure to record which students need help so that you may design strategies to support them.

Sketch to Express Warnings Do the following activities: • Check the structure of warnings and prohibitions. • Make sure they include…

§ …a description of the risky situations in the beginning. § …an instruction at the end. • Check that the words and expressions you used are appropriate. • Revise that your language is adequate for your audience. • Rehearse a short sketch in which you express the warnings. § Clearly state the reason for the warning. § Use an appropriate tone of voice. § Use non-verbal language. § Show assertiveness when expressing the warnings.

§ Show sensitivity to the recipient’s reaction. § Include expressions to clarify meaning.

Assessing my Learning Process Peer evaluation

With the whole class, discuss which sketches were the ones that… •...used appropriate expressions to express warnings and prohibitions. •…showed sensitivity and assertiveness to the reactions towards the warnings or prohibitions. •…used non-verbal language and appropriate tone of voice to reinforce the message. Self-evaluation 1 Reect. Why is it important to understand and express warnings and prohibitions? 2 Look through the unit to recall what you have learned to learn, to know, and to do. 3 In your notebook, write what you think was dicult to achieve. Check the tips given at the end of each lesson and explain how they may help you improve.


What Is the Purpose of Warnings and Prohibitions?

Sketch to Express Warnings In this session, students will rehearse and present their sketches. Read aloud each of the steps on this page and have pairs perform the tasks. Monitor closely to provide help when required. Remember you always have the option to adapt the product to your class’s needs and interests. Assessing my Learning Process Peer evaluation With the whole class, discuss which sketches were the ones that… Once all students have presented their sketches, read instructions aloud and invite students to identify the sketches that successfully attained the achievements mentioned. Encourage them to assess each of the sketches presented providing respectful feedback to help each other improve.

Finally, organize the class into small teams and read the title of the unit aloud: What Is the Purpose of Warnings and Prohibitions? Give them a few minutes to discuss their answers considering what they learned in this unit. Finally, ask one person from each team to share their answers with the rest of the class.

100 Unit 7 • Activity Book p. 74

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