Z5669 - 6Primaria Sunburst - Guía para el docente


1. Look at the pictures and work in pairs to recall what you learned about writing questions while working in Unit 5. Use the first column of the chart to write questions. 109 You may organize the class into pairs, read instructions aloud, and ask some volunteers to read the examples provided in the chart. Draw their attention to the glossary words and invite them to read their definitions on page 109. Give pairs some time to formulate questions about what is observed in the pictures; suggest that they check question words on page 115 in their books. Emphasize that all the questions they write must be answered only by looking at the pictures. Monitor walking around to offer help if required. Differentiated Instruction For this activity you can use the Mini Lesson Strategy to remind your students how to write open and closed questions. 2. Exchange books with another pair and use the information from the pictures to answer their questions in the second and third columns of the chart from Activity 1. You could organize the class into small teams. Tell them to exchange their books so they can answer each other’s questions to define aspects that will be described. Suggest that they have a dictionary on hand in case they need to look up words to answer the questions. This and the next activity will help students notice details of the pictures that maybe they didn’t see when writing their own questions. 3. Check the answers your classmates wrote. Provide feedback. You may ask the two pairs to get together again to check the answers to the questions they wrote and to provide feedback. Monitor while teams work and, when all of them have finished, invite them to share their questions and answers with the class.



1 Look at the pictures and work in pairs to recall what you learned about writing questions while working in Unit 5. Use the first column of the chart to write questions. 109 115 Russian Dance

Which words do we use to ask questions? To recall information about this theme, go to page 115.

Masai Dance


Russian Dance

Masai Dance

What are they wearing?

violet skirts, insulated boots, scarves, gloves, caps, thick sweaters

checkered or striped colorful clothes wrapped around their bodies

2 Exchange books with another pair and use the information from the pictures to answer their questions in the second and third columns of the chart from Activity 1.

3 Check the answers your classmates wrote. Provide feedback.



• Explore and select pictures about customs in different cultures. • Describe and contrast details. Teaching Guidelines • Formulate questions about what is observed. • Answer questions to define aspects that will be described. Development Why is it important to ask questions about pictures? Ask aloud: Why is it important to ask questions about pictures? Invite students to share their ideas. Learning to Do 115 Ask the question from the box and elicit students’ prior knowledge; encourage them to go to the Appendix if needed.

106 Unit 8 • Activity Book p. 78

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