Monitor closely while pairs work to offer any help they may need to write their sentences and to check them when they are ready. Differentiated Instruction For this activity you could use the Group Based on Goals Strategy to differentiate tasks. Advanced students can perform it as indicated, while struggling students might write only two sentences, one to explain a similarity and another to explain a difference. 5. With your partner, reread the sentences you wrote in the previous activity and define the aspects you are focusing on. Order them from the most to the less relevant for you. Now that pairs have established similarities and differences between the pictures, ask them to decide which are the aspects they considered the most important so they can establish a sequence when they explain both customs later on. Help them recall the two Japanese traditions explained on pp. 96-97 (greeting, taking shoes off when entering a house) and compare them with Mexico. Product: Comparison of Customs Based on Pictures In this lesson, they will design a chart in which they will register the aspects they will describe in the pictures they chose and the information that is seen in each case. Organize the class into pairs, read the instruction aloud, and give them some time to perform the task while you monitor. Suggest that they take the chart from Activity 2 as a model. This activity will be your third evidence in this unit; ask students to file it following the procedure you prefer. Self-evaluation You could read the statements in the box together to make sure everybody understands what they need to self-evaluate. If necessary, go back to some of the previous activities so students understand what each statement refers to. Read the tip provided and make sure to offer individual support to those students who detected areas of opportunity.
4 With a partner, use the information from the chart in Activity 2 to write sentences that include expressions to explain similarities and differences. If necessary, go back to page 79 to recall how to do it. Both pictures were taken during the day.
5 With your partner, reread the sentences you wrote in the previous activity and define the aspects you are focusing on. Order them from the most to the less relevant for you.
Reader What are two Japanese customs? (pp. 96-97)
Comparison of Customs Based on Pictures
Step 3
• Design a chart to identify the information that is seen in the pictures you chose. Self-evaluation (Check the box or boxes.) The strategies that I used to describe and contrast details were: Analyze the words used to compare and contrast. Write expressions used to describe similarities and differences. Order the expressions according to their relevance. Tip: Observe carefully to identify every detail that is shown in the pictures.
81 Unit 8
Describe and contrast details.
Teaching Guidelines
• Write expressions to explain similarities and differences. • Order expressions into a sequence using connectors. Development 4. With a partner, use the information from the chart in Activity 2 to write sentences that include expressions to explain similarities and differences. If necessary, go back to page 79, to recall how to do it. You may suggest students students to get together with the same person they worked with in the previous session and have them go back to check the information they wrote in the chart from Activity 2. Tell them to use that information to write expressions to explain similarities and differences. Suggest that they go back to page 118 so they can choose the most suitable comparing and contrasting connector for each case from the Learning to Learn section.
Which aspects of a picture can you compare and contrast?
Ask the question again and encourage students to answer considering the aspects included in the chart from Activity 2 and the ones they included in the chart they designed for their product.
Unit 8 • Activity Book p. 81
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