Z5669 - 6Primaria Sunburst - Guía para el docente

Scope and Sequence

Unit 9 What DoYou Know About Jobs? Academic and Educational Environment Achievements 1. Gather information about jobs or professions. 2. Explore reports about activities. 3. Write information about jobs and professions to make a report.

Communicative Activity Exchanges associated with specific purposes Social Practice of the Language To register information to elaborate a report about a job or profession Teaching Guidelines 1. Explore illustrated texts about jobs and professions. Recognize text patterns. Analyze purpose and audience. Make inferences about images. Identify main ideas and their sequence. Differentiate main and secondary ideas in paragraphs. Contrast cultural differences about the way in which work activities are developed. Justify the selection of information for the reports considering the audience. 2. Recognize parts of a report. Identify main ideas and their sequence. Ask and answer questions about jobs or professions. Assess which type of information is presently available and which needs to be broadened. Read title and anticipate content. Paraphrase descriptions of jobs or professions to verify comprehension. Classify information for reports. 3. Complete writing models with information about jobs and professions. Compare ways to present the information in reports and their effects. Choose appropriate connectors to relate sentences to each other. Decide the graphic resources that will be used. Write titles for reports. Check spelling. Communicative Activity Exchanges associated with information about oneself and others Social Practice of the Language To narrate a sports event Teaching Guidelines 1. Determine the purpose of a narration. Anticipate the narrated event from key words and previous knowledge. Analyze the sequence of events. Visualize what is heard. Value cultural differences in the transmission of emotions. 2. Paraphrase key ideas to control comprehension. Answer basic questions about an event. Broaden repertoires of words and expressions related to sports activities. Detect changes in intonation, rhythm, volume, and tone, and their purposes. Compare expressions to describe emotions. Contrast general information with details that broaden or exemplify. Classify expressions to share emotions and allow others to interact. Analyze resources to add intensity to actions. 3. Start the narration with greeting expressions. Propose general information about the event. Describe actions that happen in the event. Include intensifiers to describe actions. Use body language and prosodic resources to transmit emotions. Regulate speed and volume. End the narration with farewell expressions.

Unit 10 What Is Important When Narrating a Sports Event? Family and Community Environment Achievements 1. Explore narrations of sports events. 2. Understand general information and details of narrations of a sports event. 3. Narrate a brief fragment of a sports event.


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