Differentiated Instruction For this activity you can use the First of Five Strategy . Ask students to use their fingers to show how difficult it was for them to understand the purpose of the last sentence. 2. Reread the report from Activity 1 and write letter patterns that are familiar for you, for example: sh, ing, etc. Compare with a partner and share how they are pronounced. Before working on this activity you may explain to students that letter patterns are groups of letters that often appear together in many different English words. They can help them read words that they have never seen before because many letter patterns share the same pronunciation in different words. Have them perform the task and when everybody finishes, organize the class into pairs to have them compare their answers. Finally, invite volunteers to read the sounds emitted by each of the letter patterns they wrote. 3. With your partner, reflect on the effects caused by using different fonts, colors, and letter sizes. Write your conclusions. You may suggest students to continue working in pairs to analyze the effects produced by typographic changes. After some minutes, invite pairs to share their conclusions. Explain that they may use these typographic changes and the ones from the text on page 26, Activity 1 (italics, bold), when they write their own texts.
1 Listen and read. In small groups, discuss what the purpose of the last sentence is. 13 107
Peer Pressure
Dealing with Peer Pressure
What is it? Peer pressure is when someone your age pushes you to do something. Why should you react? Sometimes what they request you to do may be harmful or risky for you; it might lead you in the wrong direction. What to do? • First, reflect if you feel certain about the request. • Then, think about the consequences of accepting the request. • Finally, choose what will make you feel safest and happiest, and not what others want you to do. Paying attention to your beliefs about what is right and wrong can help you know the right thing to do. It is very important to avoid high-risk situations!
2 Reread the report from Activity 1 and write letter patterns that are familiar for you, for example: sh , ing , etc. Compare with a partner and share how they are pronounced.
3 With your partner, reflect on the effects caused by using different fonts, colors, and letter sizes.Write your conclusions.
Analyze how a text to give recommendations is written.
Teaching Guidelines
• Recognize different ways to write sentences. • Analyze familiar letter patterns in words. • Recognize effects produced by typographic changes. Development How can you tell if a website is reliable? Ask the question aloud. Invite students to share the strategies they follow. 1. Listen and read. In small groups, discuss what the purpose of the last sentence is. 13 107 Before listening and reading, ask students to identify glossary words and invite them to read their definitions on page 107. Then, organize the class into pairs and, to have them recognize different ways to write sentences to give recommendations, read the instructions aloud and play Track 13 for them to perform the task. Check orally stressing that, in the case of this sentence, an affirmative statement is used to reinforce the main idea.
Unit 3 • Activity Book p. 28
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