Z5669 - 6Primaria Sunburst - Guía para el docente

Learning to Know 113 Ask the question from the box and elicit students’ prior knowledge; encourage them to go to the Appendix if needed. 6. Read the suggestions you wrote on the previous page. Discuss with your partner if you can link two suggestions. In case you do, rewrite them using connectors. Before working on this activity, you may explain that, as shown in the Appendix, there are connectors that link statements that must follow a specific order (one step cannot be performed without performing a previous one). For an example, you may ask them to reread the What to do? paragraph from the text on page 28 and identify the connectors (first, then, finally) and the criteria to order the statements (sequence). Then, explain that there are some other connectors that can be used in cases in which the statements don’t need to be sequenced. Have students reread the bulleted statements on page 26 and encourage them to use the right column connectors to link two of them (e.g.,Think twice before posting pictures or videos and think carefully about what you say before you write something.) Finally, you may ask: In your case, do you need to show a sequence or not? Arrange the class into teams of four. Two students will reread the section “In the streets” and the other two the section “When playing sports”. Have them prepare small presentations to show their team partners the risks related to each situation. Product: Illustrated Report In this lesson, students will write sentences to give recommendations on how to avoid the risk situation they chose. Encourage them to write different types of sentences and to choose typographic elements or connectors that may be useful to order them. This activity will be your third evidence in this unit; ask students to file it following the procedure you prefer. Self-evaluation You could read the statements in the box together to make sure everybody understands what they need to self-evaluate. Read the tip provided and make sure to offer individual support to those students who detected areas of opportunity. How can we write recommendations in order? Ask the question again and this time invite them to recall what they learned in this lesson.


What information is included in the

5 Work with your partner to write an introduction for your report. Make sure to use new vocabulary to describe the risk situation you chose and explain the importance of taking measures to avoid it.

introduction of a report? Read about this theme on page 113.

What are connectors used for? Go to page 113 for information about this theme. 113

6 Read the suggestions you wrote on the previous page. Discuss with your partner if you can link two suggestions. In case you do, rewrite them using connectors. 113

Reader What risks are there in the streets and when you play sports? (pp. 34-37) also

Step 3 • Write sentences to give recommendations on how to avoid the risk situation you chose. Self-evaluation (Underline.) To plan the writing of recommendations, we… …selected a risk situation. …decided what textual and typographic components to include. …dened types of sentences that will be used. …determined the order of the components. Tip: When you write, always choose a theme that is interesting and relevant for you. Illustrated Report

31 Unit 3


Write recommendations to avoid a personal risk situation.

Teaching Guidelines

• Use new vocabulary. • Select appropriate connectors to relate sentences.

Development 5. Work with your partner to write an introduction for your report. Make sure to use new vocabulary to describe the risk situation you chose and explain the importance of taking measures to avoid it. You may tell students to get together with their partner and ask: What information should the introduction include? (a description of the risk situation and the reasons for taking measures to avoid it). Invite pairs to write the introduction for the report using new vocabulary they learned during this unit. Differentiated Instruction For this activity you can use the Group Based on Goals Strategy establishing a different number of new words to include, e.g., struggling students include only one while advanced students include three.

Unit 3 • Activity Book p. 31


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