Z5669 - 6Primaria Sunburst - Guía para el docente


pairs have underlined the key words, tell them to organize the information according to its relevance, that is, to write sentences with relevant information and order them from the most important to the least important. Monitor to check each pair’s work. Learning to Do 114 Ask the question from the box and elicit students' prior knowledge; encourage them to go to the Appendix if needed. 2. With your partner, paraphrase the information from the texts you have read so far to answer the questions you wrote in Activity 5, page 57. You may invite students to go to page 114 in their book to review the four “Rs” strategy to paraphrase. Then, go back to page 60, read instructions aloud, and give pairs some time to reread the texts provided on pages 58, 59, and 60 to paraphrase information that may help them answer the questions. Monitor to offer help if required and check by asking volunteers to write their sentences on the board. Differentiated Instruction For this activity you can use the Open-ended Statement Strategy to help students paraphrase the information from the texts. Use the possible answers provided in this guide to give them a hint, e.g.: Have students reread the text from page 58, Activity 2, to identify key words and then read: Ultraviolet rays may… and elicit the rest of the sentence from students (damage our skin and eyes).


1 To continue gathering information for your research, read the text and underline key words.Then write sentences to summarize it. 108

Be Sun Smart


Heat Stroke, a Fatal Illness

When being exposed to the sun for long periods of time, besides being at risk of skin and eye damage, you can also get heat stroke. Heat stroke is the most severe form of heat illness and it may even cause death. In normal conditions, a person sweats to lower the body temperature, but in certain circumstances, such as extreme heat or vigorous activity in the hot sun, this cooling system may begin to fail, so you get dehydrated and cannot sweat enough to cool your body. Take care of yourself and avoid being under the sun’s rays for too long!

2 With your partner, paraphrase the information from the texts you have read so far to answer the questions you wrote in Activity 5, page 57. 114


Which strategies can I use

to paraphrase? To recall information about this theme, go to page 114.



Register and organize information.

Teaching Guidelines

• Organize information according to its relevance and pertinence. • Paraphrase information. Development Which graphic resources are you familiar with? Write the question on the board: Which graphic resources are you familiar with? Invite students to leaf through their books to check the ones included and encourage them to name them. 1. To continue gathering information for your research, read the text and underline key words. Then write sentences to summarize it. 108 You may organize the class into pairs and before they read the text, have them identify the glossary word; invite them to read its definition on page 108. Then, read instructions aloud and give them some time to identify key words. Explain that identifying key words will help them select pertinent information they will use to answer the questions from page 57. Once all

84 Unit 6 • Activity Book p. 60

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