Leadership in Action - US English - 201906

The power of an accountability partnership lies in its ability to clarify goals and give the assurance a team needs to keep them focused. “Success is subjective,” he says. “You get clarity in your goal setting when more than one pair of eyes can see the end.” To get the most out of accountability partnerships, you need three things: a desire to be accountable, permission to get tough with each other, and love for your team. 1. Desire When Jefferson first enrolled, he not only needed the wisdom of his enroller, Executive Director 6 Klinton Keller, he wanted it. “There’s so much power in esteeming others who are further along in their journey,” Jefferson says. “Being accountable to someone is one of the greatest gifts.” Being accountable goes hand in hand with being coachable. That’s something essential for anyone playing to win, whether in the Super Bowl or in building a business to last a lifetime. 2. Get Permission to Get Tough Whenever you’re setting goals with a Marketing Executive, whether it’s in a new-enrollee Strategy Session or while setting up teams for Fast Track, set expectations—including the expectation of what will happen when things get tough. “First, find out what is important to them,” Jefferson advises. “They have to know that you care about them. Then you need to ask for permission to be able to have the tough conversations long before the tough conversations show up.” 3. A Love for Your Team One of the many things that stood out to Jefferson at Convention 2019 was the love that radiated from CEO Frank VanderSloot. “Frank was buzzing the entire Convention,” Jefferson remembers. “You saw his love for his corporate staff, for the Marketing Executives, for Melaleuca and where it was positioned, and for all the hard work that has gotten Melaleuca to where it is. You could just feel his love radiating out. It’s easy to follow someone who you know really cares for you.” Love is a hallmark of leadership. And love and leadership are integral to accountability too. “Accountability is birthed out of love,” Jefferson says. “It’s a mindset that focuses on others. If you care about someone, you’re not going to drop them when the going gets tough. That’s why you see teams that continue to have success and resilience. Those are the teams that can build a business to last a lifetime.” LH

The Huddle Unites a Team “It’s a simple yet powerful way to unite a group of people,” Jefferson says. “When you’re in that huddle, you know you’re part of a team.” The Huddle Initiates Action “Listen, we aren’t getting together just to get together,” he says. “The purpose of the huddle is to take action. Everyone leaving the huddle should know his or her role and how to follow through on it. Everyone should leave the huddle with a goal to accomplish.” The Huddle Is for Celebration “Another purpose of the huddle—or the ‘accountability call’ in Melaleuca terms—is that it is a place to affirm and celebrate team members,” he says. “Celebrating success is one of our Critical Activities and core values.” The Huddle Generates Teamwork “Remember that huddles help team members work together rather than separately,” Jefferson says. “Team members can talk about something they’ve been struggling with and compare ideas and solutions. They can give and receive help. It’s the right environment to commit to make an improvement and hold each other accountable for taking action.” The Gift of Accountability All the effectiveness of the huddle boils down to accountability— something you can’t have by yourself. “Accountability can’t be done alone,” Jefferson says. “Responsibility is something you can do by yourself, but accountability requires wisdom and partnership.”

Jefferson’s number-one tip is to make an unalterable decision to succeed. “I’ve never seen a person who didn’t make a deci- sion to succeed actually suc- ceed,” he says. “And I’ve never seen a person who decided to succeed with their business fail. Don’t just ‘try.’ Make an unalterable decision.”




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