Providence_Back Pain or Sciatica


How can you tell the difference between back pain and sciatica pain? The answer is that sciatica pain is characterized by the following factors: •Constantpain isonlypresent inoneside of the buttocks or leg • The pain becomes worse when you are sitting •The legpaindevelopsmoreasaburning, tingling or searing sensation, and not as a plain ache • There is a sharp pain that occurs at times, making it sometimes difficult to stand or walk • The pain is radiating, shooting down the leg and sometimes even into the feet and toes

Sciatica pain develops in the nerves that connect the lower back to the legs, and so while the pain itself is generated from the back, a lot of time, the experience of the pain is more largely associated with theupper legs.What’smore,sciaticapain doesn’t always develop like pain in the traditional sense. Sciatica pain instead causes a buildup of tingling, numbness andweakness inthe lowerbackandupper legs, and the pain isn’t consistent either. The sensation will typically run through the leg in waves, causing discomfort at seemingly unpredictable times. If you are experiencing back pain and you haven’t talked to a medical professional about the concern, then now is the time to take action. Working with a physical therapistcancutyourtimestrugglingwith back pain literally in half.

Take charge of your sciatica pain by calling us 303-799-6336 or by visiting our website at We can help get your life back.

YUMMY GREEN SMOOTHIES FromOur Kitchen to Yours

Laura’s Corner

Making it into a new year, and a new decade feels good! Many of my friendsandpatientshavebeen talkingabout theirNewYear’s resolutions–and the list iswhatyouwouldexpect:eatbetter, lose weight,savemoremoney. Itseemsweallstrugglewith thesame things and somehow, we lose that New Year’s traction on goal attainment – somewhere in February – right around Valentine’s Day. Well, this year we can all try something different. Studies show thatperformance-basedgoalsaremuchmoremotivating.

When we attach a value to our goals they are more personal and meaningful, which can help push us over the barriers that we will undoubtedly face. For example, if you want to eat better because you know it is good for you, think about why you want to eat better. Is itbecauseyouwant to loweryourA1Corcholesterol?Whydoyouwant tomake those changes? Is it because you want to take fewer medications or perhaps you would like to spend less money on medications? What if that extra money could be used on a vacation, to help fund your hobby, or to make a purchase that has been on your bucket- list for years? Suddenly, eating a plate half-full of vegetables is about adding more of the things you value to your life and feels less like a punishment. If your goal is to lose weight, maybe you could instead think of how you want to improve your agility, balance, strength and endurance so you can play with your kids/grandkids, enjoy the outdoors, or travel. I promise, by working out more with performance goals in mind, you will improve in those areas and lose weight too! Personally, I associate most of my eating and exercise choices with my kids. I want to be a mom who is vibrant, physically active, and full of energy. So even though I really want to eat the entire pan of chocolate cake, I thinkof themandcan limitmyselfabit. Itevenallowsme todoa fewextrapush-upsand gulpdowngreensmoothiesona fairlyregularbasis.Sowhatmattersmost toyou?Link thosedeeperdrives toyourresolutionsandyouwill literally transformyour life in2020. You’ve got this!

Directions Keep it simple and increase greens over time for your picky eaters. Try to not let the green color scare anyone off. These are sweet and delicious! Best in a high-speed blender (Vitamix,Ninjaorsimilar).Greattostartofyourday, for a snack, or meal replacement when you’re on the go. Ingredients • 2 Cups of Liquid Base - Water, Coconut Water, Coconut Milk, Almond Milk • 2 Cups of Leafy Greens - Spinach (most neutral flavor), Kale, Romaine, or a blend • 2CupsofFreshorFrozenFruit- Banana,Mango,Berries, Orange, Apple, Pineapple, Avocado

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