2024-25 ULS Curriculum Guide FIN

Mathematics In kindergarten, the Singapore Math approach is utilized through the Math in Focus curriculum. The concrete-pictorial-abstract methodology of introducing topics and skills through Math in Focus allows students to gain an understanding of numbers and the Base Ten system through manipulatives and pictorial representations before moving to more abstract concepts. Layered onto the curriculum is an early intervention program used to identify numeracy gaps in lower elementary, which allows teachers to target certain skill development for specific students with the goal of closing gaps with meaningful practice. Project Work Presentations are frequently prepared and given to various audiences as a culmination of project work. These presentations come in many formats. Music Small group creative projects are introduced in the context of music. Musical rhythms are written down with word associations. Students began to organize musical and dance elements into short elemental compositions. Words are orchestrated with classroom percussion instruments. Classroom xylophones are used to explore pitch concepts and amplify literature. Physical Education Kindergarten physical education helps students develop their skill sets in a variety of areas to help them build confidence, coordination, and a love for healthy living and being active. Students practice skills such as throwing, catching, and kicking. In addition, obstacle courses test their agility, balance beams become their tightropes, and scooters fuel their need for speed. As students progress, they are introduced to exciting games with rules that challenge them to collaborate and follow instructions. Visual Art Students begin creating multi-step and multi-class projects. Exploration, care, and proper technique of materials is taught and practiced. Basic elements of art (line, shape, color, texture) are identified through various applications. Students create a body of art throughout the year based on past and current artist inspirations. Fine motor skills, such as cutting, are practiced, and directed drawing is implemented throughout the year. A kindergarten project might include, but is not limited to, the art of Henri Matisse, with the creation of a still life painting.

Yoga and Built to Thrive Students meet with a childhood yoga instructor as a group once a month for yoga. They learn how to calm their body and incorporate mindfulness techniques into their lives. The Built to Thrive program meets twice a month for kindergarten students. This program enhances social-emotional intelligence through literature, play, and reflection. Built to Thrive provides thoughtful activities to practice students’ social-emotional learning, develop empathy for others, and practice problem-solving skills. Students also work on identifying and managing their own and others’ emotions.


Lower School | Kindergarten

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