Creative and Performing Arts
In the Middle School, students have the opportunity to express themselves across a range of artistic platforms. Got the acting bug? Move through a program that provides a taste of theater from production to performance with stops in design along the way. Feeling the beat? Students can meaningfully create, perform, and respond to music from a variety of time periods and cultures while refining technique and skill. Want to create a work of art? Visual artists can develop their strengths, discover their interests, and cultivate their own unique creative voice.
Sixth Grade Program Students in sixth grade enroll in two Creative and Performing Arts courses. The first is a year-long foundations course in one of our ensembles. Students may elect to participate in band, orchestra, or vocal music. The second course is a rotating trimester elective that provides students with experience in visual art, innovation and design, and drama. Art - 6th Grade One Trimester (Offered First, Second, and Third Trimester) Prerequisites: None This course is an introduction to middle- and upper- level art-making for sixth grade students with a focus on building artistic thinking skills and habits and fostering artistic independence. Artists will explore a variety of projects and art-making approaches in stations or small groups. After they have tried each option, they will create their own capstone work, carrying this independent project through from design to completion.
Drama 6th Grade: Introduction to Theater One Trimester (Offered First, Second, and Third Trimester) Prerequisites: None Drama students in the sixth grade study the historical development from early cultures to the European Renaissance. Activities include improvisation and memorized speeches from classic plays of the period. Innovation and Design - 6th Grade One Trimester (Offered First, Second, and Third Trimester) Prerequisites: None This dynamic course provides students an opportunity to dive into the design thinking and engineering process, learning how to tackle problems creatively and effectively. From programming a robot to navigate through a maze to designing a protective structure for an egg’s daring drop off the Middle School balcony, learners will face a diverse array of challenges. This course encourages students to harness their creativity and ingenuity, exploring both digital and physical realms to devise innovative solutions to address complex questions.
2024-2025 ULS Curriculum Guide
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