2024-25 ULS Curriculum Guide FIN

Band I Full Year (Three Trimesters) Prerequisites: None

electives that span a variety of topics across all visual and performing arts domains as well as opportunities for enrichment in core academic disciplines. Students indicate their elective preferences each spring following a presentation of courses by the elective teaching faculty. While student preference is taken into account when scheduling, final placement decisions are at the discretion of the Middle School administration. Unless otherwise noted, elective classes can be repeated for credit.

This course is open to students choosing to begin music instruction on a woodwind, brass, or percussion instrument. Students will meaningfully create, perform, and respond to music from a variety of time periods and cultures while developing instrumental technique and skill. Choice of instrument includes flute, clarinet, oboe, saxophone, bassoon, French horn, trumpet, trombone, baritone horn, tuba, or percussion. The Middle School band performs at community events and at least two public performances per school year.

Art Studio Full Year (Three Trimesters) Prerequisites: Seventh or Eighth Grade Student

Choir I Full Year (Three Trimesters) Prerequisites: None

This is a multi-level studio course modeled after the Upper School art studio program. Students engage in an in-depth exploration of a particular theme (which changes from year-to-year) by creating a variety of works that respond to and explore the ideas discussed. Returning students will complete more challenging versions of each project and be provided opportunities to develop an individualized portfolio. Band II Full Year (Three Trimesters) Prerequisites: Band I or equivalent; Creative and Performing Arts Department recommendation This course is open to students continuing previous music instruction on a woodwind, brass, or percussion instrument. Students will continue to meaningfully create, perform, and respond to music from a variety of time periods and cultures while developing instrumental technique and skill. The Middle School band performs at community events at least two public performances per school year. Admittance to this upper-level course is at the discretion of the Creative and Performing Arts Department.

Choir is offered to students interested in singing. Students will learn the basics of music theory, and work daily on sight-singing and vocal performance techniques. Choir students will sing in at least two public performances per school year.

Orchestra I Full Year (Three Trimesters) Prerequisites: None

MS Orchestra I develops skills gained in the Lower School orchestra program and is open to students continuing on the violin, viola, cello, and for students transitioning from one of those instruments to the upright string bass. Students will grow into independent musicians by executing proper playing technique, exploring music from different genres, time periods, and countries, and furthering creativity and musicianship through composing, analytical listening, and performing at community events and at least two public performances per school year.

Bucket Drumline One Trimester (Offered First Trimester) Prerequisites: Seventh or Eighth Grade Student

Seventh and Eighth Grade Program

Calling all future drummers! Students in this course will learn basic drumstick rudiments, improvise rhythm patterns, and perform as a group ensemble using buckets. This group will perform at community events throughout the trimester.

Students in seventh and eighth grade enroll in a two year foundations course program that they select at the end of their sixth grade experience. The seventh and eighth grade foundations program broadens to encompass an art studio and theater production course in addition to the band, orchestra, and vocal music ensembles that are part of the sixth grade program. Understanding that learning the fundamentals of any arts discipline requires time, focus, and dedicated effort, it is a programmatic expectation that students maintain a commitment to their selected foundation course for seventh and eighth grades. In addition to the foundations course, seventh and eighth graders also enroll in trimester

33 Middle School

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