2024-25 ULS Curriculum Guide FIN

Physical Education 7/8 Full Year (Three Trimesters) Prerequisites: Enrollment as a seventh or eighth grade student

Building upon the work in sixth grade physical education, students will further develop their proficiency in a variety of team and individual sports. Team sports include: touch football, soccer, basketball, volleyball, field hockey, lacrosse, softball, baseball, ice hockey, and floor hockey. Individual sports include track and field and tennis. Students will delve further into game strategies and tactics to enhance their performance and understanding of the games they play. In addition, regular fitness activities continue to be incorporated into the program to promote cardiovascular health, strength, and endurance. Students will also participate in a complementary health education class. This curriculum focuses on crucial topics relevant to Middle School students, including: • Sleep habits and the importance of sleep • Nutrition and healthy eating choices • Life skills development • Puberty and body changes • Healthy decision making Uniform: Students will purchase a University Liggett School physical education uniform from the school Logo Store. Lockers are provided for secure storage of belongings.

49 Middle School

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