2024-25 ULS Curriculum Guide FIN


Upper School

Our Upper School students take ownership of the learning process, accepting challenges and harnessing their spirit of discovery to craft an excellent and engaging educational experience. In this four-year program, students continue building core academic skills, evolving their studies into a customized academic program comprising highly personalized electives. As a result, our students shape their academic destiny and ultimately thrive at the country’s top universities and beyond. We offer guidance through the course selection and scheduling process to help students create the best balance of courses and co-curricular activities. For younger students, exploration of broad themes and essential questions build the foundation for later studies. We ask our older students to consider a concentration, an area of strong interest that they can use as a platform for in-depth study. Students have the opportunity to pursue their interests with challenging electives like Forensics and Biotechnology, Native American Studies, Advanced Statistics, Shakespeare Dramaturgy or Stagecraft, Hispanic Literature, and Digital Photography.

55 Upper School

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