The Upper School English program follows a scope and sequence that supports student skill development in reading, writing, speaking, listening, grammar, and vocabulary. All students in the Upper School complete Core 1 in the ninth grade and Core 2 in the tenth grade. These classes include an introduction to Modern Language Association (MLA) requirements for writing and extensive practice with reading closely, annotating, and writing analytical and other types of papers. In the eleventh and twelfth grades, students choose from a slate of semester-long elective offerings. The seminar method is used in literature classes, which emphasize reading rich and complex texts and writing analytical papers. Writing electives taught on a regular basis include Craft of Writing, which reinforces basic skills and emphasizes the art of the essay, Creative Writing, which contributes (along with independent submissions) to our award-winning literary magazine, and Nonfiction Writing, our journalism class that produces articles for the school’s student newspaper.
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