History: Women’s History One Semester (Offered First Semester) Prerequisites: None
History books are often filled with the adventures, accomplishments, and exploits of remarkable men; those same pages are less filled with examples of remarkable women, but not for a lack of existence. This course examines the notable, but lesser known women in history, taking a global approach in examining women’s experiences from the early modern period to present. Students will read, engage in discussion, research historical figures and topics, apply their understanding, and ultimately wrestle with paramount questions. Questions addressed include: what makes a person worthy of notice? Why is truth omitted or altered? How does censorship affect its audience? How do changing perceptions of gender affect women’s role in society?
History: World War II One Semester (Offered First Semester) Prerequisites: None
No events have had a greater impact on the world than the two world wars fought in the first half of the twentieth century. This course is an in-depth look at the second of those wars, from its origins to its legacy. We will investigate the ways in which World War II redefined American politics and society. Our course text is a collection of oral histories from the era, allowing the voices of those who experienced these changes to guide our understanding. By focusing on the experiences of ordinary people, we will gain a more intimate understanding of the transformations in politics, labor relations, and the roles of marginalized groups, such as women and African Americans. At the end of the semester, students will apply the skills they learned in the course to conduct an oral history interview of their own on a topic of their choice, contributing to a library of oral histories that future students can use for research. Text: Terkel, Studs. The Good War: An Oral History of World War II (New York: The New Press, 1984)
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