Integrated Mathematics 3 Full Year (Two Semesters) Prerequisites: Integrated Mathematics 2 or equivalent OR best-fit mathematical placement In this course, a variety of algebraic concepts are reviewed, introduced, and investigated, and the topics of trigonometry are studied comprehensively. Complex numbers are incorporated into the study of polynomial equations, and exponential, logarithmic, rational, and trigonometric functions are explored in great depth. Students will view these topics from algebraic, numeric, and graphic perspectives, and opportunities will be given to draw connections to problems and concepts learned in previous algebra courses. Text and Materials: Reveal Math Integrated III; graphing calculator Precalculus Full Year (Two Semesters) Prerequisites: Algebra II/Trigonometry or equivalent OR best- fit mathematical placement The major concepts introduced in Algebra II/ Trigonometry – properties of real and complex numbers; polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions – are examined and investigated in greater depth. Conic sections, probability, and sequences and series are covered on a cursory level, and emphasis is placed on the connection of mathematical ideas using critical thinking to real-world situations. Students explore the concept of a limit and are introduced to the calculus
Integrated Mathematics 2 Full Year (Two Semesters) Prerequisites: Integrated Mathematics 1 or equivalent OR best-fit mathematical placement This integrated math course incorporates a strategic interweaving of algebraic and geometric concepts with authentic connections among theory and application, algorithm, and mathematical practices, designed to naturally scaffold the learning of mathematics. The purpose of this course is to reinforce the concepts students learned in Integrated Mathematics 1 while extending into more advanced topics in statistics, algebra, and trigonometry. Students will reason, communicate, and make connections to prepare for mathematics throughout high school and beyond. This integrated math course prepares students to enroll in the next course in the sequence, which is either Integrated Math 3 or Honors Pre-Calculus. Text and Materials: Reveal Math Integrated II; graphing calculator Honors Integrated Mathematics 2 Full Year (Two Semesters) Prerequisites: Integrated Mathematics 1 or equivalent, completion of honors prerequisites OR best-fit mathematical placement In this accelerated course, the more advanced topics of algebra are studied in depth and a thorough treatment of trigonometry is included. There is a strong emphasis placed on the study of functions, which is enhanced through the use of the required TI-83 or 84 graphing calculator. Application of skills to non-routine problems is stressed, and students are introduced to matrices and combinatorics as well as cursory probability and statistics. Text and Materials: Reveal Math Integrated II; graphing calculator
operation of differentiation. Materials: Graphing calculator
Honors Precalculus Full Year (Two Semesters) Prerequisites: Algebra II/Trigonometry or equivalent, successful completion of honors prerequisites OR best-fit mathematical placement This course includes an in-depth examination of coordinate geometry as well as polynomial, exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions. Conic sections, vectors, and polar coordinates are introduced and explored. In the second semester, sequences and series are studied as an introduction to the concept of limits, and students will complete the year with a brief look at differential calculus. Throughout the year, graphic solutions to non-routine problems will be explored through the use of the TI-83 or 84 graphing calculator. Materials: graphing calculator
Advanced Statistics Full Year (Two Semesters) Prerequisites: None
This course focuses on key statistical concepts and methods including distributions, bias, variance, correlation, sampling, data errors, and central tendency. Students will gain an understanding around the collection, organization, and analysis of data. Upon course completion, students will be able to draw conclusions from data and have the tools to ask appropriate questions when presented with statistical information in various forms. Students interested in careers in mathematics and science-based fields are highly encouraged to take this course. Text: Open Intro, Naked Statistics
2024-2025 ULS Curriculum Guide
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