2024-25 ULS Curriculum Guide FIN

Chinese 1 Full Year (Two Semesters) Prerequisites: None

real-life situations, learn to read and write characters, and examine how culture and language interact in China. Topics covered include identity, family, school, dates and times, hobbies, making appointments, and food. In-class activities and course assignments aim to assist students as they develop the oral proficiency and confidence necessary to initiate simple conversations. In this proficiency based course, the target language will be used more than 70% of the time. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to recognize about 250 and write approximately 150 characters, carry short conversations related to daily life and present well-organized information about themselves, friends, study, and some aspects of Chinese culture. Text: Modern Chinese 1A Chinese 3 Full Year (Two Semesters) Prerequisites: Chinese 2 or equivalent AND Modern Languages Department recommendation This course is a continuation of Chinese 2 that develops reading, writing, and listening skills in the Chinese language. This course moves at a fast pace where students learn the most commonly used Chinese characters and phrases, further understand Chinese grammar, and learn to write short paragraphs. Students will continue to develop language proficiency in all four skill areas through class discussions, role- play activities, oral presentations, and frequent written exercises. Students are introduced to a broader and more complex range of textual material in order to expand their reading and writing skills. Formative and summative oral and written assessments will be given throughout the duration of the course. Topics covered include identity, family, school, dates and times, hobbies, making appointments, cuisine, shopping and travel. In this proficiency based course, the target language will be used more than 90% of the time. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to recognize approximately 350 and write essays of 200-250 characters on topics related to class lessons, conduct basic communication in some real-life situations, and understand information conveyed in sentence-length speech on familiar topics. Text: Modern Chinese 1A

This course introduces Chinese as a second language for non-native speakers through speaking, listening, culture, reading, writing, and grammar. The course aims to help students build a strong speaking foundation by learning the phonetic scheme called Pinyin, which helps students speak clearly of consonants, vowels and tones of Mandarin Chinese, and pronounce new vocabularies independently. The vocabulary studied will be relevant to communicating while in a Chinese-speaking country with main units focusing on identity, school life, family life, countries and languages, occupations, as well as time expressions. Vocabulary learning this year especially emphasizes on familiarizing students with structural patterns and logics of the Chinese fundamental characters to build a foundation for sustainable success in learning Chinese language. In this proficiency-based course, the target language will be used more than 70% of the time. In-class activities and course assignments are carefully designed to develop students’ language skills and boost their confidence, including but not limited to, class discussion, presentations, skits, songs, videos, games, crafts and calligraphy, as well as other cultural companions. Students are assessed in all four areas of proficiency through formative and cumulative activities on a regular basis. Each student will also have a speaking portfolio where recordings and videos are stored for self-reflection and progress checks. Upon completion of the course, students should be able to use Pinyin to pronounce clearly in Mandarin Chinese and teach themselves the pronunciation of new vocabularies independently. Students should be able to recognize 150 fundamental Chinese characters and be able to write paragraphs of 80 characters on topics related to class lessons, conduct basic communication in simulated real-life scenarios, and understand information conveyed in sentence-length speech on familiar topics. Text: Modern Chinese 1A Chinese 2 Full Year (Two Semesters) Prerequisites: Chinese 1 or equivalent OR Modern Languages Department recommendation This course is a continuation of Chinese 1 and focuses on solidifying and improving on previously learned language skills. Students will have a substantial review of the topics covered in the last course with special emphasis on expanding and correcting tonal range and understanding the systematic nature of Chinese characters. Students practice listening, speaking in

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