Chinese 4 Full Year (Two Semesters) Prerequisites: Chinese 2 or 3 or equivalent AND Modern Languages Department recommendation This course expands upon Chinese 3 and challenges the students to continue to strengthen their spoken skills while developing their reading and writing skills. Students expand their oral expression abilities by increasing vocabulary, improving understanding of grammar concepts, strengthening pronunciation ability, focusing on listening comprehension, and building on previously studied Chinese characters. Formative and summative oral and written assessments will be given throughout the duration of the course. The entire class is conducted predominantly in Chinese and the topics covered include academics, fashion, hobbies and activity, and relationships and people. This course introduces new language concepts to allow students to speak about topics pertaining to their lives and also focuses on deepening knowledge of Chinese culture and customs. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to recognize 500 and write approximately 350 Chinese characters, confidently engage in general conversations on a range of topics in the target language, use more complex grammatical constructions, and read intermediate level texts. Text: Modern Chinese 1B Chinese: Culture & Civilization Full Year (Two Semesters) Prerequisites: Chinese 4 or equivalent AND Modern Languages Department recommendation This course is a continuation of the Chinese 4 class. Speed and fluency of the Chinese language are increased with expanding vocabularies and idioms in conversations, reading compression and written expression. Topics include medicine, business, Chinese history and customs, general social concerns, cultural etiquettes, and culture comparison, which will be introduced and discussed more in-depth beyond the previous courses. This course strives to increase students’ ability in comprehending spoken Chinese both in formal and conversational situations, to develop vocabulary for reading newspapers and magazine articles, and to sharpen their presentational skills in oral and written form. Formative assessment of students’ proficiencies in listening, speaking, reading and writing are given on a regular basis. Instructional materials and activities are strategically adapted from authentic resources to support the linguistic and cultural goals of this class. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to produce and present their own viewpoints, respond to express ideas with accuracy and fluency, write about 450 characters and read approximately 700 character intermediate high
level texts, and acquire and demonstrate knowledge about differences and similarities between Chinese and the student’s native language. Text: Modern Chinese 1B
Chinese: Literature Full Year (Two Semesters)
Prerequisites: Chinese Culture and Civilization or equivalent AND Modern Languages Department recommendation This course is a continuation of Chinese: Culture & Civilization. It is designed to enhance students’ cultural knowledge and awareness through a variety of carefully designed practices and activities. Students in this course will develop advanced comprehension of the language and competence in using spoken Chinese in a wide-variety of experiences. Topics include housing, climate, emergency situation, Chinese art, technology, health, environment, and society. Grammatical functions will be reviewed and incorporated as they relate to particular communication needs. Formative assessment of students’ proficiencies in listening, speaking, reading and writing are given on a regular basis. A mix of communicative and interactive methods is used to develop advanced proficiency and materials are drawn from a variety of media sources and texts. Students will gain basic knowledge of Chinese literature during the second semester. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to communicate with accuracy in both formal and informal settings, recognize about 900 and write approximately 600 characters, and write lengthy essays using advanced-level vocabulary and sentence structure on both concrete and abstract topics. Text: Modern Chinese 2A
French 1 Full Year (Two Semesters) Prerequisites: None
This course introduces French as a second language for non-native speakers through speaking, listening, culture, reading, writing and grammar. In this proficiency-based course, the target language will be used more than 80% of the time. The vocabulary studied will be relevant to communicating while in a Francophone country with main units focusing on identity, school life, family life, cuisine, free time and city life. Students study the culture of French speaking countries through cultural realia, interactive videos, cultural comparisons and communication with correspondents in French-speaking countries. Students are assessed in all four areas of proficiency through formative and cumulative activities, such as creating and discussing a family and friend tree or making a video about the school and what goes on where in the building. Each student will also have a speaking portfolio where recordings and videos are stored for self-reflection and progress checks. Upon
2024-2025 ULS Curriculum Guide
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