2024-25 ULS Curriculum Guide FIN

French: Francophone Culture & Civilization Full Year (Two Semesters) Prerequisites: French 4 or equivalent AND Modern Languages Department recommendation This course examines themes in Francophone cultures through the study of short stories, nonfiction articles and films. The course is discussion-based with an emphasis on the four language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Students will do both presentational and interpersonal speaking in addition to a thorough review of advanced grammar concepts. The course is conducted entirely in French, and students are expected to participate in the target language. Students will keep a journal of questions, writings and vocabulary. Main units of study will include: how the French educational system addresses a diverse student body, preservation of African culture in France today, conflicts around urban versus country life in France and Canada, and a study of the royal court at Versailles and its role in pre-revolutionary France. Assessments will include discussions, in-class essays, and a number of short research-based student presentations to accompany each unit of study. French: Francophone Literature Full Year (Two Semesters) Prerequisites: French 4 or equivalent AND Modern Languages Department recommendation In this course, students read Francophone literature and explore cultural and historical themes present in the works. This course is discussion-based where students create questions and inquiry; however, there will be activities to improve listening, writing and reading as well. Grammar will be reviewed and taught as a scaffold to the units. Students will follow selected themes to make observations about each unit of study and make class presentations about relevant cultural and historical information. Main units of study will include: an example of the impact of World War 2 on young children living in France at that time, the journey of a young immigrant coming to France from Guadeloupe, and an exploration of a modern version of The Little Prince in a graphic novel. Beyond presentations and discussions, students will do in-class writings, scene reenactments, and assessments for vocabulary and grammar. Texts: Novels provided by instructor: Le Petit Prince, graphic novel

In this proficiency-based course, Spanish is spoken more than 80% of class time. Vocabulary is relevant to communicating with other Spanish-speakers; units of study focus on identity; school and family life; food, meals and leisure activities. Students study cultures of Spanish-speaking countries through realia, interactive videos, cultural comparisons and communication with correspondents in Spanish-speaking countries. Students are assessed in all four areas of proficiency through formative and summative activities; these may include oral self-presentations, student-created videos, short skits and writing projects. Students maintain speaking portfolios in which recordings and videos are stored for student/teacher review and to recognize progress. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to communicate clearly and accurately about themselves and others using the present tense. Text: EntreCulturas 1 Spanish 2 Full Year (Two Semesters) Prerequisites: Spanish 1 or equivalent OR Modern Languages Department recommendation Students in this course continue the study of Spanish as a second language for non-native students through speaking, listening, cultural exploration, reading, writing and grammar. In this proficiency- based course, Spanish is spoken more than 80% of class time. Vocabulary is relevant to communicating with other Spanish-speakers; units of study focus on holidays and festivals; geography and weather; travel activities and tourism; people, places and communities; daily routines; foods and recipes; the body, sickness and health; sports and shopping. Students study cultures of Spanish-speaking countries through realia, interactive videos, cultural comparisons, communication with correspondents in Spanish-speaking countries and the reading of short, authentic texts from Spanish-language newspapers and the Internet. Students are assessed in all four areas of proficiency through formative and summative activities; these may include oral self-presentations, student-created videos, short skits and writing projects. Students maintain speaking portfolios in which recordings and videos are stored for student and teacher review and to recognize progress. At this level, there is an increased emphasis on listening and reading comprehension and on correct pronunciation. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to communicate clearly and accurately in a wide variety of contexts using the present, preterite and imperfect tenses. Texts : EntreCulturas 1 and EntreCulturas 2

Spanish 1 Full Year (Two Semesters) Prerequisites: None

This course introduces Spanish as a second language for non-native speakers through speaking, listening, cultural exploration, reading, writing and grammar.

2024-2025 ULS Curriculum Guide


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