2024-25 ULS Curriculum Guide FIN

Accommodations vs Personalized Curriculum Accommodations are made without distinction in grades and comments. Examples of accommodations include extended time, use of a computer or calculator for spelling or math computation, use of notes, extended notes, extra work with a teacher, retakes on quizzes or tests, corrections, audio versions of a text, organization or outlining tools, tests read aloud, quiet room, and other work toward the mastery of the skills outlined. Accommodations are guided by the federal Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act (IDEA). Accommodations do not alter the course standards or expectations. Rather, they provide the conditions necessary for learners to meet those standards in the context of their learning profiles. Personalized Curriculum , a form of curriculum modification , denotes a change in the skills that are expected and should be noted in the comments section. The term “personalized curriculum” is used in reference to the State of Michigan’s Personal Curriculum (PC) process, by which the curriculum is modified to meet the needs of specific students.

93 Upper School

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