TPA Arlington 2022 Slide Deck

Change Management Models






Steps to encourage new behaviors for successful organizational change Strategies for managing the emotional transitions of change

Lack of measurement processes and time consuming

Kotter’s Change Management Model

Provides an eight step, actionable checklist

Organizational change management model

Includes a step by step guide to foster emotional acceptance

Not a framework for operational change

Organizational change management model

Bridges Transition Model

Model to define the change adoption timeframe

Defines a timeline for workforce change acceptance

Not a framework for operational change

Organizational change management model

Rogers’ Tech Adoption Curve

Model based on the emotional journey - five stages of grief

Most change frameworks address these stages

No clear guidance on operational change

Individual change management model

Kubler-Ross Model

Five step process: Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability, and Reinforcement Seven structural model that focuses on holistic approach to change

Rewards individual change in organizational change process

Cumbersome process for large organizations

Individual change management model

Prosci ADKAR Model

Provides guidance and focuses on the whole organization

Organizational change management model

McKinsey Model

Very complex


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