We Believe Campaign

We Believe... We know you have a passion for reaching this generation for Christ. And you believe the Great Commission calls us to go out to the nations, to share the Gospel, and to disciple young people. For over 80 years, Word of Life has been faithful to carry out God’s work and the vision of our founders, Jack Wyrtzen and Harry Bollback. Over the past several years, Word of Life’s leadership has sought God’s guidance and wisdom in how to reach this generation with the Gospel. We believe God has allowed us to be strategically positioned through our campuses in New York and Florida to make an eternal impact on youth here in America and around the world. God has graciously provided the resources to transform our facilities into a platform that allows for maximum effectiveness on our New York campus.

Now is the time to turn our attention to Word of Life Florida...

During the past five years, The Coast (previously known as the Florida Youth Camp) has averaged more than 3,100 campers each summer. The Bible Institute teaching site is host to over 125 college students each academic year. Thousands of adults and youth are hosted annually through a retreat ministry and the RV Park. Additionally, the International Ministries staff team transitioned to the Florida campus and serves more than 1,500 missionaries on six continents. To help maximize ministry in this growing area, new facilities and upgrades are planned. The launch of the We Believe Campaign – will, by God’s grace:

1. Increase Student and Camper Capacity 2. Expand RV Park Spaces 3. Improve Guest Hospitality

These projects will allow us to grow and to have more effective ministry in the years to come, reaching this generation through evangelism and discipleship. Thank you for your partnership in the Gospel and for your prayerful consideration.

Trusting Him,

Don Lough, Jr. President & CEO


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