NSLHD Digital Strategy 2021-2026

3.3 Digital Strategy focus areas

The Digital Strategy recognises seven focus areas that will guide digital investments, enable the NSLHD strategic plan priorities and address current state challenges.




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Elevate our patients experience and focus on virtual care Elevating the experience for our patients, families and carers to empower them to make informed decisions about their care outcomes and wellbeing Enhancing the virtual care digital capabilities to support virtual models of care and to provide patients with a platform in which they can contribute to their own care.

Empower our workforce, improve user experience and mobility Improving the user experience through systems that are accessible, easy to use and add value to our workforce through automating the mundane, streamlining workflows, providing the real time information to support

Harness the power of data to improve care delivery and operations Optimising our ability to derive meaningful insights from data in a timely manner to guide and support decisions on how to improve care delivery and optimise operations. Using these insights to drive a culture of evidence based decisions for our operations as we do with the way we provide care.

Enhance connectedness

Ensure infrastructure and digital investment sustainability Ensuring sustainability of digital investments by strategically selecting new systems, planning for the replacement of ageing assets and deploying technology to improve the overall equipment lifecycle management. Covering all asset categories from network infrastructure through to servers and end user computing.

Continue to optimise the ICT service function

Strengthen privacy and cybersecurity capabilities

within the LHD and across care settings

It is envisioned that the current hybrid medical record scattered across paper and fragmented speciality systems, will be integrated together to form a single digital patient record across our district and the state, enhancing connectedness within and outside the LHD.

Delivering effective technology solutions, transparently and effectively prioritising work in alignment with the organisation, providing high quality support through well resourced and capable teams and effective partnership with statewide organisations. Continue to foster clinical engagement via the optimisation of clinical digital health roles such as CXIOs.

Investing in our cyber security capability to improve our security posture and build a cyber aware culture for the protection of our patients, staff and organisations Strengthening our data security capabilities to ensure

the privacy of our patients records.

decisions, and supporting user mobility.

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