3.3.2 Empower our workforce, improve user experience and mobility
Improving the user experience through systems that are accessible, easy to use and add value to our workforce through automating the mundane, streamlining workflows, providing the real time information to support decisions, and supporting user mobility.
High Level Description
Expected Benefits
Implementation Considerations
Leading Entity
Support high quality care and exceptional health outcomes by responding to major gaps in the eMR, particularly in specialty areas that are not covered by a digital solution. Example actions to help achieve this outcome include: ► Implement solutions where a digital solution is yet to be implemented, e.g.: digital solution for anaesthesia, outpatient services, nursing care plans, expansion of the RIS/PACS scope to services where there is a gap in picture archiving functionality ► Improve the maturity of the current digital medical record, e.g.: cancer services, oral health ► Decommission substitute clinical systems that might not align to state and local strategies
Reduced risks associated with a hybrid patient record Improved patient safety through digitisation and automation Reduced medical time needed to chase down paper records for areas that are not digitised Provide a complete single view of a patient’s medical record.
Align with investments and decisions from initiative ‘4.1 Implement the Single Digital Patient Record (SDPR)’ In deciding to align with the SDPR, the Digital Strategy balanced the upcoming statewide investments and timeline over the local clinical need to replace paper-based practices. This is a key consideration that must be continually reassessed to ensure the current decision of aligning to the SDPR continues to be the most viable option for the LHD to respond to this major eMR gaps in clinical specialty areas.
Majority Northern Sydney LHD, with the exception of the RIS/PACS program which in collaboration with eHealth NSW
2.1 Respond to the major eMR gaps in clinical specialty areas
Continue to prioritise enhancements focused on quality and safety
► Improve use of barcode technology for patient ID and in the clinical inventory. It should be noted that the LHD has committed to be part of the first wave of the Single digital patient record (SDPR) rollout as articulated under initiative ‘4.1 Implement the Single Digital Patient Record (SDPR)’ of this Digital Strategy. These gaps therefore become the scope of the SDPR.
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