3.3.4 Enhance connectedness within the LHD and across care settings
It is envisioned that the current hybrid medical record scattered across paper and fragmented speciality systems, will be integrated together to form a single digital patient record across our district and the state, enhancing connectedness within and outside the LHD
Digital Strategy Focus Area
Digital Strategy Initiatives
4.1 Implement the Single Digital Patient Record (SDPR)
Enable ‘Connected Person - Centred Care’ strategic objective
Enable ‘Healthy Communities’ strategic objective
4.2 Refresh the interoperability infrastructure
4 Enhance connectedness within the LHD and across care settings
4.3 Enhance two-way clinical information flow with external settings
Enable ‘Responsive & Adaptable Organisation’ strategic objective
Enable ‘Engaged & Empowered Workforce’ strategic objective
Digital Strategy focus area alignment to NSLHD Strategic Plan
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