Farming in Focus Winter 2020


Jeff Sellars is a Salesman at Wickham Flower in Naracoorte and has been there for the past 10 years. Jeff worked as a Diesel Mechanic for 12 years previous to that at a couple of other Ag Dealerships. Naracoorte in South East of SA has reliable rainfall which enables it to sustain various farming industries, these include livestock production/ grazing, cropping, horticulture, vineyards, dairy and tree plantations. “In my job I like that there is such a variety of machines and implements we deal with and that a fair portion of my time is spent out of the office on location with the owners and operators and being able to work with them face to face,” says Jeff.

“I like that the Speedtiller in particular is so universal we have customers using them for so many different applications, whether they are using them conventionally for broadacre or pasture preparation or if its deep soil tillage before planting or levelling off seed beds after planting in horticulture. We have also got customers using them to convert country back to productive farming land from being used in the timber plantations.” “In the Dealership we work with quite a few machinery manufacturers. Working with the K-line team is always positive they are very honest and willing to help and listen, if there is ever an issue you can speak directly with the person who can help or knows the answer.”

“I really enjoy selling and promoting K-Line products because you know that it is built strong and to good quality, and that it is field proven so you are confident that it will last and do the job it is meant to.”

JEFF’S TIP Do your research and talk to other farmers, they will always tell you the pros and cons of their machines and what works and what doesn’t, but most important is to buy where you can get good service and backup.

Above: Jeff Sellars, Wickham Flower and Lachie Seears from Boonderoo, Lucindale SA

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