2023 First Liberty Annual Report


At First Liberty, every member of our team is united in one purpose and one mission: to protect and restore religious liberty for all Americans. We are all in this together.

Danielle Runyan

Holly Randall

“I’ve spent a lot of time with our Navy SEAL clients who have been attacked and mistreated for their religious beliefs. It’s really inspiring to know I trained in law school for this legal fight. It’s a tremendous honor to help some of our nation’s toughest warriors!”

“What a blessing to work for First Liberty, knowing we are the linchpin helping all Americans freely live out their faith. I joined the fight because if you truly want to be free, you need religious liberty. Protecting our First Freedom is more important now than ever.”

Meet Holly

Meet Danielle

Hiram Sasser

Mike Berry

“Every oppressive government wants to squash this fundamental right. That’s why protecting religious liberty is the most important thing we can do. We’re not just defending religious liberty, but expanding it to fulfill the vision of this nation’s Founders.”

“During law school, my eyes were opened to the reli- gious hostility that exists in our country. I have a call- ing in life, and a big part of my calling is to stand up to bullies. When it comes to religious freedom, my calling is to stand up and fight the bullies who oppose religious freedom.”

Meet Hiram

Meet Mike


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