2023 First Liberty Annual Report



CRCD Scholars Receive Academic Prize

Testifying at Texas Legislature

Fellows at the Center for Religion, Culture & Democracy, Dr. James Patterson and Dr. Catherine Pakaluk, received the Heritage Foundation’s Freedom and Opportunity Academic Prize. They were among the first recipients alongside a list of highly respected academics from the nation’s top universities. This prestigious award recognizes distinguished thinkers and scholars whose research is advancing truth, freedom and foundational American values like religious liberty.

First Liberty Of Counsel Matt Krause testified before the Texas Senate Committee on Education in support of a bill to display the Ten Commandments in every classroom. He explained it is constitutional because of the U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark ruling in Kennedy v. Bremerton School District . Bills like this are evidence of our Supreme Court victories bearing fruit. Every American now has the legal foundation to place religious freedom back where it rightfully and legally belongs.



Our staff had the unique opportunity to come alongside and support several citizens in Plano, Texas who wanted to bring “In God We Trust” signs to their local schools. State law allows public schools to display plaques with our nation’s motto when they are donated by private citizens. This is just one of many examples of everyday people having the confidence and the legal foundation to go and restore faith in America. Bringing “In God We Trust” Back to Schools

First Liberty Video Goes Viral

We published a special First Liberty Live! episode in July featuring our client, Dr. Johnson Varkey. He was fired by St. Philips College for teaching in an anatomy and physiology class that sex is determined by X and Y chromosomes, consistent with his study of human biology and religious beliefs. The video went viral and garnered more than 430,000 views on YouTube, making it the most watched episode on our page all year.


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