2023 First Liberty Annual Report


In 2023, First Liberty launched Restoring Faith in America, a comprehensive, multi-faceted digital campaign to educate millions of Americans about the impact of multiple Supreme Court victories for religious freedom.

Unlike any time in the past 50 years, religious freedom is on a huge winning streak. We are now witnessing the freedom to publicly express religious faith making an unprecedented comeback across our country. After decades of hostility to religion, the tide is finally turning.


But almost no one knew about this seismic and positive change.

We created Restoring Faith in America to inform people about the incredible restoration of their rights, as well as to spur them into action. This major initiative communicates and clarifies that Americans now have a legal foundation to live out their faith, restore religious expression and put faith and religious freedom where they rightfully and legally belong. The path is now clear for powerful expression of faith, and Restoring Faith in America encourages every person of faith to seize this opportunity. We built a dedicated microsite (www.RFIA.org) complete with practical resources and helpful information, including legal kits, sharable social media content, news and commentary, and FREE access to a pocket Constitution. We sought to make sure Americans are equipped with reliable and credible tools so they can restore faith in their communities. To spread the word, we combined our central website with a targeted social media advertising campaign, targeting our existing supporters and new audiences. For many years, religious people grew accustomed to playing defense. But for the first time in a very long time, they are in a position to go on offense. This campaign is helping us reach countless people with this important message: “Now You Can!” We’re speaking directly to everyday Americans, presenting them with the many ways they can bring back religious expression.


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