2023 First Liberty Annual Report

High school football players and coaches can pray together before their games. Police stations can proudly display our national motto, “In God We Trust,” and schools can also display it on their campuses. Chaplains of all faiths can open courtroom sessions with a prayer. Crosses and Ten Commandments mon- uments can be restored and displayed on public land. VA facilities can include the Bible and Scriptural references in POW/MIA remembrance displays. Cities can put up a menorah for Hanukkah and a nativity scene for Christmas. From our children’s schools, houses of worship, charities, businesses and the marketplace, our local veterans memorials and our neighborhoods, every American is experiencing more religious freedom now than in more than a half century. Our goal is to set in motion a movement that reaches communities and people all throughout America. God is opening new doors for religious expression and through Restoring Faith in America, we are encouraging all Americans to walk through them.


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