2023 First Liberty Annual Report


2023 has been a remarkable year for religious liberty in America. Virtually everywhere we look, God is at work and opening new doors. Religious liberty is on a winning streak in the courtroom, and this is translating to a huge revival for faith and freedom across the country.

We have tremendous opportunities laid out before us. By working together, we can seize these opportunities and continue restoring religious freedom back where it rightfully and legally belongs. I am grateful for everyone who’s come alongside First Liberty in yet another historic year. Thank you for standing strong with us through some of the most difficult legal battles. Without you, we simply could not continue fighting for what matters most: our most sacred and foundational freedom. The cases we won and the multiple, major initiatives launched this year have put us in a unique position to impact our country in ways we only imagined. I’m filled with hope and optimism that about the future of religious freedom. Looking back on this bountiful year, I fully trust and remain hopeful that God will continue to work through First Liberty in mighty ways.

This year, we secured and celebrated two more victories at the U.S. Supreme Court, which makes for a total of four wins at the nation’s highest court in the span of just over 12 months. That makes for a total of nine victories at the Supreme Court since 2018. What’s more, we are undefeated at the nation’s highest court in all of the cases we’ve brought over the past few years. Our landmark Supreme Court triumph for Faithful Carrier Gerald Groff didn’t only vindicate our client. The ruling set a precedent that fortified legal protections for millions of religious employees across America. What we’ve achieved is truly incredible and astonishing. But we could not have orchestrated this success by ourselves. It’s with God’s favor and the support of Americans all across the country that we’ve been able to reach such great heights. Today, First Liberty is the tip of the spear in defending religious liberty in America. We’re having a seismic impact on the law and every American is being blessed with more protections to freely live according to their beliefs. Our children and our grandchildren are going to enjoy more religious liberty than ever before. But there’s still a lot of work ahead. The battle for our First Freedom is far from over. Because we’re winning at such a historic rate, the enemies of freedom are increasing their attacks. This year’s momentum shouldn’t be a reason to sit back. On the contrary, it’s a call to remain committed and faithful to the cause.

For liberty,

Kelly Shackelford, Esq. President, CEO and Chief Counsel


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