2023 First Liberty Annual Report


Gerald Groff: The Faithful Carrier

When Gerald returned home from one of his trips, he took a job at the post office. At first, he simply saw it as a job. But his heart and passion for ministry continued to shine through, even when he was not serving abroad. He realized that being at the post office was more than “just a job,” seeing it as an opportunity to be a “witness and shine the light of Christ.” He says: “Anywhere you go can be a mission field.” Working for the postal service seemed like the perfect fit. The position allowed him to observe the Lord’s Day and stay true to his sincerely held beliefs. That is, until the USPS began making Sunday deliveries for Amazon. He sought a religious accommodation and offered to work extra shifts during the week to make up for the time he took off. He even transferred to a rural post office that did not yet require Sunday delivery. Despite his efforts to find a solution, the USPS ultimately refused to accommodate his religious beliefs. He was put in the difficult position of choosing between his faith and his job. Gerald chose his faith, even though it came at a cost. He is an example to us all of what it means to be fully committed to one’s religious beliefs. We commend and applaud Gerald for a life of faithful service. We celebrate his Supreme Court victory. His perseverance is inspiring. This Faithful Carrier led by example, showing us that we must always stand strong in our commitment to God.

Most people know Gerald as the postal carrier who lost his job because he asked for a religious accommodation to observe the Lord’s Day. But there’s so much more to his story. Gerald’s Christian faith plays an integral part of his decision to have a day of rest and worship on the Lord’s Day. His faith journey reveals why this is something he takes very seriously. Gerald has devoted great portions of his time throughout his life serving as a missionary overseas. His first mission trip was right after his high school graduation, when he traveled to Africa for the first time to share about his faith. His devotion to God compelled him to continue mission trips around the globe. After his first trip, he served in Africa two more times and also in several parts of Asia. Gerald explains that he’s always wanted to go “where God wanted to put me” and “serve the Lord overseas in that way.” “I’m passionate about people hearing the word of God,” Gerald says. “I’m not afraid of jumping on a plane and going overseas. I’m passionate about living out my faith, being tested in difficult situations, and allowing the Lord to use me to glorify Himself.” In June 2023, First Liberty won at the U.S. Supreme Court for Faithful Carrier Gerald Groff. Not only was this a win for our client, but it was a landmark ruling that set a new standard for religious accommodation in the workplace.


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