Woodson Family Brochure

Mobile Ventilation Unit Woodson Mobile ductless filter hoods are ideal for kiosk operations or where a ducted system is impractical or uneconomical. They effectively mitigate the formation of greasy deposits on surfaces such as benches, floors, walls, and ceilings, which commonly result from cooking activities. The unit draws air down through a multistage filter system and then reintroduces it to the kitchen through the base of the unit, ensuring a cleaner and more pleasant cooking environment. Woodson Countertop ductless hoods are to be used with electric cooking appliances only. Use this unit with countertop electrical cooking appliances that do not exceed limits defined in the NCC* (NCC -2022 Part F6D12): (a) any cooking apparatus has - (i) a total maximum electrical power input exceeding 8 kW; or (ii) a total gas power input exceeding 29 MJ/hour; or (b) the total maximum power input to more than one apparatus exceeds, per m2 of floor area of the room or enclosure - (i) 0.5 kW electrical power; or (ii) 1.8 MJ/hour gas.

Check with local authorities for any regulations that they may have in addition to the ventilation requirements of the NCC*

Mobile units come supplied with a storage area below the cooking zone, adaptable rack slides and lockable swivel castors to front and fixed castors on the rear for extra mobility.



700 x 775 x 1200 0.48kW 10A plug & lead fitted 700mm wide unit

850 x 800 x 1200 0.48kW 10A plug & lead fitted 850mm wide unit

*The NCC requires the room to be adequately ventilated, either naturally or mechanically to maintain the indoor air quality within defined limits. The room may be naturally ventilated if it has sufficient open window space. When the room has mechanical ventilation, the ventilation designer will need to provide performance evidence that an adequate supply of outdoor air into the enclosure is available to maintain the indoor air quality.



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