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5IBUXPVMEIBWFNFBOU GPS&BTU Hawkesbury Township because it has one PGUIFMPXFTUQPQVMBUJPOTJOUIF6$13#VU during a UCPR council session earlier in the year, Mayor Robert Kirby argued for an equal distribution of the Cultural Fund money, saying his township should not be penalized for having a smaller population compared to some of the other UCPR municipalities. The other mayors accepted Kirby’s argu- ment and agreed to $50,000 shares for FBDINVOJDJQBMJUZ&BTU)BXLFTCVSZBENJ - nistration then reviewed ideas for how to use the township’s share and recommended in a report to council dedicating it to the 4U&VHÍOFDPNNVOJUZDFOUSFQSPKFDU #VUOPUBMMNFNCFSTPGDPVODJMBHSFFE with the recommendation. Council spent about half an hour discussing other possible uses for the money. 5IFTVCKFDUXBTUBCMFEGPSGVSUIFSEJTDVT - sion at a future council session. &/#3&'r#3*&'4 TRUCK FOR SALE The provincial government’s plan for a “producer responsible” program for collection of recyclable materials in Ontario means a big change to the municipal recycling collection program now for the townships of East Hawkes- bury and Champlain and the Town of Hawkesbury. They now have a recycling collection truck they no longer need and have agreed to put it up for sale. East Hawkesbury Township is the only municipality now that uses the truck for all of its residential recycling collections. – Gregg Chamberlain FRAIS DE PERMIS DE FEU Les résidents de Hawkesbury-Est devront payer de 10 $, à l’avenir pour obtenir un permis de feu pour tout brûlage en cour arrière qu’ils doivent faire pour le nettoyage résidential. Le conseil municipal a approuvé les frais de permis lors de sa réunion du 10 octobre. L’argent recueilli grâce aux frais de permis servira à couvrie les coûts des travaux municipaux de plantation d’arbres. - Gregg Chamberlain RECYCLING COLLECTION East Hawkesbury council approved bylaw 2023-53, confirming a two-year contract with GRS Sanitation Inc. for collection of recyclable materials in the municipality. The company will receive $8.26 plus HST for every stop each month it makes on its collection route through the township. – Gregg Chamberlain RÈGLES DE RÉPARATION DES ROUTES Le conseil municipal de Hawkesbury- Est a approuvé le règlement 2023-54, visant à établir des lignes directrices et des frais de permis pour les résidents ou les entreprises qui doivent effectuer des travaux nécessitant la coupe et enlèvement de l’asphalte sur les routes pavées de la municipalité. Tout asphalte enlevé doit être remplacé. - Gregg Chamberlain

East Hawkesbury Township has $50,000 to spend from its share of the UCPR Cultural Fund but council is divided on what to do with the money. There was a long discussion during the October 10 session among council members over a recommendation from township admi- nistration to dedicate the money towards completing some of the priority work on construction of the new community centre for UIF7JMMBHFPG4U&VHÍOF#VUOPUBMMDPVODJM members agreed with the suggestion. The township will receive $50,000 from the United Counties of Prescott-Russell’s (UCPR) Cultural Fund $400,000 allocation to the eight member municipalities. The UCPR’s original plan was to share out the $400,000 based on the population size of

Les travaux de construction d’un nouveau centre communautaire pour le village de Saint- Eugène se poursuivent. L’administration de Hawkesbury-Est a recommandé d’utiliser la part de 50 000 $ du fonds culturel des CUPR pour les travaux prioritaires sur le bâtiment. Le conseil examinera la recommandation et d’autres utilisations possibles de l’argent au cours d’une prochaine réunion. —photo Gregg Chamberlain

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*Taxe en sus. Pour un temps limité au comptoir à emporter et au service au volant des rôtisseries participantes. Présentations suggérées. 1HSHXW¬WUHMXPHO«H¢DXFXQHDXWUHRʆUHVS«FLDOHRXSURPRWLRQ MD Marque déposée de Groupe St-Hubert Ltée.// Tax not included. For a limited time at participating rotisserie counters and drive-thru services. Suggested presentations. Cannot be combined with any RWKHUVSHFLDORʆHURUSURPRWLRQ0'5HJLVWHUHGWUDGHPDUNRI*URXSH6W+XEHUW/W«H

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