Slater Heelis - Prospective Employee Brochure

Diversity and inclusion

A company built on diversity and inclusion

We encourage cooperation and teamwork, providing fair, ethical treatment of all employees. This commitment is also true in the provision of services to our clients. The firm is committed to developing and implementing best practice in equality, diversity and inclusion as employers; providers of legal services; purchasers of goods and services; and in their wider role in the community. All employees, and those acting on behalf of the firm, are required to adhere to the firm’s equality and diversity policy which covers employees, clients and third-party suppliers. Although we recognise that we have more work to do, we are proud of the progress we have made over the last few years. The firm has signed up to the Law Society Equality and Diversity Charter. Slater Heelis recognise that everyone is unique. As a business, we believe that embracing diversity is key to success. We want to create a culture where a diverse group of people can bring the best of themselves to their careers, to build an environment where everyone feels supported and where difference is valued. Our aim is to help remove some of the social barriers to joining our business, either as a lawyer or in any of the support functions, to ensure we attract the best talent from all backgrounds. We are challenging ourselves to support and promote diversity within our teams and to ensure that we nurture inclusivity for everyone.


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