Petersen Pet Hospital PC - March 2024

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Pets First Monthly

March 2024


Sleep 101 for Pets

This month, we want to highlight Sleep Awareness Week, a timely reminder to consider our sleep habits and those of our pets. Quality sleep is vital for our well-being, and as with most things, this extends to our furry friends. Let’s explore the significance of good sleep for humans and pets, observations we can make about our pet’s sleeping patterns, and when it might be time to consult us for their well-being. The Importance of Sleep Sleep is the foundation of good health, as it influences human and animal physical and mental well-being. For pet owners, it’s important to be sure your furry friends also get quality sleep. It’s crucial for their happiness and longevity. Dogs, cats, and pets go through various sleep cycles, such as R.E.M. (rapid eye movement) and deep sleep. Those cycles are essential for memory consolidation, learning, and overall vitality. Disruptions in these sleep patterns can affect mood, behavior, and overall health. Signs of Quality Sleep in Pets Assure your pet has a regular sleep duration, about 12-14 hours for dogs and 16 hours for cats. Younger pets, like kittens or puppies, are more likely to sleep during the day than at night as they’re still growing. There should be minimal disturbance to your pet while it’s sleeping; if it is in deep sleep, small external stimuli should not wake it. Most pets have a kennel or other safe spot they usually sleep in, so be sure to leave them be. If your pet is waking easily or waking often through the night, there may be a problem with their sleep quality. Twitching or barking through their sleep is normal, as they’re dreaming. Similarly, having too much or too little sleep can point to underlying health issues. Lethargy after waking may signal a lack of restful sleep. Your pet should be alert and ready after resting. If they begin showing signs of aggression or irritability, giving them space is a good idea, as you may have awoken them in the middle of the R.E.M. phase.

When to Consult Us While occasional disturbances in sleep patterns are normal, persistent signs of discomfort should prompt a visit to the office. If you notice excessive snoring in your pet, this can be a symptom of respiratory issues or sleep apnea in certain animals. Continued restlessness — like the inability to sleep or settle — may point to internal discomfort or pain. Excessive changes in sleep patterns or daytime sleepiness may also point to the same. While continued lack of sleep can be the root of many things, we encourage you to come to the office so we can solve the mystery and help you and your pet get a good night’s rest. Sleep awareness week is an excellent opportunity to reflect on your sleep practices and the quality of your pet’s sleep. By understanding the signs of healthy sleep, you can recognize when changes may warrant a visit to our office. Just as we can and should prioritize our own sleeping habits, we hope you can extend the same care and consideration to your pets, ensuring they enjoy restful nights and vibrant days alongside you.


Todd is a handsome 1 1/2-year-old Labrador who came in December for not feeling well. He started vomiting on Sunday, and on Monday, his symptoms got worse. Todd could not keep any food or water down for longer than 30 minutes. His appetite has also decreased significantly, and he was not as active as usual. Dr. Carmo saw him, and we discovered that Todd, like many other young dogs, liked to eat things he was not supposed to. After a thorough exam, Dr. Carmo noticed an uncomfortable abdomen. Because of that, radiographs were required, and right away, we could see an obstructive pattern with a small piece of metal in his intestines. Todd was admitted for hospitalization, and due to the severity of his symptoms, surgery had to be done that same night. However, before surgery, Dr. Carmo and Dr. Petersen had to make sure he was stable by performing blood work to assess organ function and an electrocardiogram to assess heart function. Thankfully, all of those were normal, and surgery was initiated. This type of procedure is always started as an exploratory to find out the exact location of the obstruction, ensuring no more than one obstruction MEET TODD THE LAB! We Took Metal Out of His Belly


Hi there! It’s your friendly neighborhood pup, Sam, here to bring the start of tick season to your attention. Ticks are annoying and a threat to our health — every sniff and step we take is to avoid these pesky parasites. Despite our best efforts, ticks sometimes manage to hitch a ride on our fur and cause problems. Knowing when your furry friends get ticks and starting effective treatment is vital for keeping us safe. Know the Signs Noticing the signs of tick infestations within our fur is so important. Common signs include excessive scratching, sleepiness, and, in severe cases, joint pain and difficulty walking. Quickly identifying these signs means our friends at Petersen Pet Hospital can help minimize the harm to your furry friend’s health. Tackling Tick Season

Prevention Pet parents can avoid worrying about ticks by using topical or oral treatments designed to repel and

kill ticks. These treatments contain active ingredients like fipronil, permethrin, and pyriproxyfen (pretty big words for this pup!) that build a “shield” against ticks right on our skin. But even if you take these precautions, you should still check your pet after they’ve spent time outside. Ticks are often found in less furry areas where it’s easier to attach, so check between toes and near ears, even if we’re super wriggly about it.

Removal If you do find a tick on us, immediately remove it with fine-tipped tweezers. Grasp the tick close to the skin’s surface and pull up with steady and even pressure. These steps must be followed, or you risk an incomplete

ST. PATRICK’S DAY FROZEN DOG TREATS Leafy greens are packed with essential nutrients for dogs, and your pooch will love these green pupsicles for St. Patrick’s Day and all year long.

removal. A complete removal reduces the risk of Lyme disease, babesiosis, and ehrlichiosis. (More big words for this dog, phew! I deserve a treat after this.) Once removed, dip the tick in isopropyl alcohol, seal it in a zip-close bag, and note the date you found it. Ensure to wash your hands and clean your pet’s wound with antiseptic to prevent possible infections. Bring Them In Of course, I have to recommend bringing your pet to Petersen Pet Hospital! If you’re worried you didn’t fully remove a tick or are too nervous to do it yourself, the docs can ensure your pet is cared for. Call the office with any questions, and the humans there will gladly help. I’ll be making my rounds and making sure your furry friend is calm, but I can offer cuddles when you come in! And to my furry friends, don’t worry! Your paw-rents have gotcha covered!

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Some of History’s Quirkiest Moments

is present. In this case, Todd had only one in his jejunum (middle part of the small intestines). A twist tie piece, multiple small white plastic pieces, and pieces of tape were tangled together, forming a ball big enough not to pass through his bowel. Surgery was successfully done, and Todd spent the night at Petersen Pet Hospital. The next day, he was much more alert after receiving all his fluid therapy, pain management, and antibiotic medication. He was able to go home that same day on a strict regimen. Todd was seen two weeks later, and his incision looked great. The whole team at Petersen Pet Hospital was so happy to treat Todd and see him so happy afterward!

Grab your time travel hats! We are peeling back the layers of the past to reveal a few stories you won’t find in the history books, though history class would have been much more fun if they were! When Stillness Created History Imagine a bustling Parisian street filled with life and activity. A photographer is there, about to take the first known photograph of a person. But the only person still enough to photograph was a man getting his shoes shined — the exposure time then was several hours, almost a whole day’s work! So, the shoe-shining duo became unexpected celebrities in history as the first known photograph of humans in 1838. A Whistle Stop for Women’s Contributions When trains first thundered across the American landscape, some women wouldn’t ride them — a bizarre myth emerged claiming that traveling at speeds of 50 mph would cause their uteruses to fly out of their bodies! Thankfully, at least two women saw past the strange mythology to propose genuine improvements in the iron horses. In 1870, Eliza Murfey held 16 patents for her inventions to improve how bearings on train car wheels responded to their axles. In 1879, Mary Elizabeth Walton held two patents for reducing smokestack emissions. Tale of the Tallest Buildings The Great Pyramid of Giza is the oldest and last remaining of the original seven wonders of the world. For 4,000 years, this architectural marvel was the tallest building in the world. But all reigns must end, and in 1311, the Lincoln Cathedral in England claimed the crown. It was the tallest building for 237 years until its spire collapsed in 1548. However, it was still the tallest building ever built until the Ulm Minster in Germany set a new record in 1890 — it’s still the tallest church in the world. Shorts Shook the World In the sizzling summer of 1937, something extraordinary happened on the streets of Toronto that changed fashion forever. Two daring women went out in public wearing shorts. Yes, shorts! The sight was so unusual that it drew overwhelming attention and even caused a car wreck! While this moment caused quite a stir, it wasn’t until after World War II that shorts gained popularity.

—Carol do Carmo, DVM

INGREDIENTS • 2 cups baby spinach • 1 cup water • 3 pears, peeled and chopped • 1 cup chopped celery •

1 tsp fresh ginger, peeled and finely chopped

Ice (optional)

DIRECTIONS 1. In a blender, add spinach and water and blend until smooth. 2. Add all remaining fruit and vegetables. Blend for about 1 minute until smooth. 3. Pour the mixture into a silicone mold or ice cube tray. 4. Freeze for 3 hours or overnight until firm. Pro Tip – You can also freeze half of the mixture and the rest can be enjoyed as smoothies right away. If you are making a smoothie, add a bit of ice to the blender before serving and blend just enough to break the ice apart. Pour right into your pup’s bowl!



1031 Kacena Road Hiawatha, IA 52233 319-743-0554

Mon–Fri: 8 a.m.–6 p.m. (Closed Fridays from 12:30–2:10 p.m. for team meetings) Sat: 8 a.m.–12 p.m. | Sun: Closed

Inside This Issue

The Importance of Sleep for Your Furry Friend



Sam’s Corner


BLACK Meet Todd the Lab! 50% BLACK


St. Patrick’s Day Frozen Dog Treats


A Few of History’s Hilarious Quirks


3 Pet Hero Stories






3 Furry Heroes Sometimes, heroes come sans cape but with fur, paws, and a keen sense of smell. We’ve heard the stories of police dogs, bomb-sniffing dogs, and the German shepherd Trakr, who found the last survivor on 9/11. But even untrained pets and strays can be heroic.


inaccessible by plane or boat in the winter. The only way to deliver the needed antitoxins was by dog sled on the Iditarod Trail. Balto, a Siberian husky, received most of the fame, but Togo, another husky, led the team across the most treacherous part of the journey. These dogs delivered life-saving medicine in time and saved many of Nome’s children.

Meet Jack, a stray dog in New York City known for scavenging through dumpsters. One early morning, his routine search for food took a life-saving turn. Behind one of these dumpsters was a baby, wrapped in a blanket, vulnerable and alone. Instinctively and with remarkable gentleness, Jack picked up the baby in the blanket with his teeth. Whether guided by fate, an extraordinary sense of purpose, or just because it was the closest open business, Jack took the baby to the hospital. The nurses tried to shoo him away when he first ran through the sliding doors. One nurse, noticing the bundle in the dog’s mouth, was able to get close enough to retrieve the baby. Thanks to Jack, the baby received life-saving medical attention.

Cats can be heroes, too, as proved by a calico cat who lived up to his name in the most unexpected way. One night in Mississippi, intruders were trying to break into a home. The house cat, Bandit, sensed the danger and sprang into action. The cat’s relentless scratching and tugging at its owner’s blanket finally woke him. Then Bandit led his human downstairs to discover the attempted break-in, which also scared away the intruders. Bandit proved that size and species don’t matter in heroism.

In moments of crisis, these four-legged heroes rose to the occasion, not for glory or reward but out of pure love and loyalty. They are potent reminders of the courage and selflessness that animals are capable of.

In the 1920s, the remote town of Nome, Alaska, grappled with a deadly diphtheria epidemic. Children were dying, and the icebound city was

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