C+S December 2023 Vol. 9 Issue 12

mere utility to become a hub for community interaction and recreation, with ADA-accessible trails, sports fields, and spaces that promote communal activities, while also serving as a verdant connector for essential community spots like schools and religious institutions. Technical Aspects • Excavation of 2,440,000 cubic yards of material across five distinct phases • Strategic blend of engineering and ecology to pursue the re- establishment of a native habitat through extensive research into native grasses and seedbed preparation • Installation of culverts and re-evaluation of soil management strategies

Background Located in the heart of Clear Lake residential community near Houston, the visionary project of Exploration Green epitomizes a successful transition from a once-popular golf course to a sprawling 880.6-acre-foot, sustainable detention facilities, fulfilling roles of flood control, enhancing water quality, and providing a verdant natural habitat for wildlife and recreation space for residents. The transition from a golf course to a pragmatic, environment-centric space stemmed from a compelling need for improved drainage control and flood management, was driven by the residents and expertly addressed by the Clear Lake City Water Authority (CLCWA). The initiative's backbone, Exploration Green, was divided into five meticulous phases and conceived with community input, unifying expert planning and genuine residential needs. Planned by SWA Group architects and designed and managed by the engineering firm Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam Inc., the project metamorphosed into a massive nature park, encompassing five substantial in-line wet bottom detention ponds, each capable of holding approximately 100 million gallons of stormwater, crucially mitigating flood risks. Impact Community involvement was paramount from inception to fruition, with a series of town hall meetings anchoring the project's development to the desires and needs of the residents. The resultant multifaceted benefits impact not only the local community but set a precedent for nationwide flood management and environmental conservation. Environmentally, Exploration Green, of the 153 acres of natural habitat, 14 acres is dedicated wetlands. Socially, the project transcends


December 2023


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