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1973 Nanchang CJ-6A S/N 143-2028 - N23YK
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TTAF 4120 - Great Aircraft, Has Just About Every Mod Possible for CJ’s; New Canopys; Long Range Bladder Fuel Tanks; M14P Powered Tuned Exhaust; 7 Gallon Smoke Tank; Comes with Two Strong 304 Parachutes
Call For Price Scott Andrews • (602) 705 4413
1976 Aero Commander 112TC S/N 13092 - C-GIHQ
2022 Aeroprakt A-22 LS S/N 456 - N435AM
TTAF 2881 - Perfect for Pilots who Crave Excitement and Precision in their Flying Experience; Lycoming AEIO-360-H1B; 2-Blade Hartzell HC-C2YR-4CF; Equipped with a Comprehensive Suite of Garmin Avionics; Two Comfortable Seats that Provide Excellent Support During Long Flights or High-G Maneuvers
TTAF 200 - All Metal Airframe and One of the Widest Cockpits in the Light Sport Category; Versatile Aircraft with Very Short Takeoff and Landing Capabilities; Can be Flown with the Doors Off; Great Visibility; Equipped with Larger (optional) Tires; Always Hangared
$170,000 Dallas Nigh • (587) 583-5013
$131,000 Jim Barrett • (518) 415-8453
2007 Aviat A-1B Husky S/N 2413 - N413AM
2013 Aviat A-1C-180 Husky S/N 3196 - N32MA TTAF 360 - No Damage, All Logs; Always Hangared; Two Kansans Owners; IFR Certified & Current; Extensive Fresh Annual; Alaska Bushwheel 31”Tires; Aft Stowage (both doors); 841 Lbs. Useful Load $269,000 McCreery Aviation Company, Inc. • (956) 686-1774
TTAF 1150 - 2200 Lbs GTOW on a Set of 31” Alaska Bushwheel Tires; Great Example of Husky, Ready for the Backcountry; Lycoming O-360- A1P - 180HP; Almost New Hartzell Trailblazer Prop; Garmin 430W; GTX345 Transponder (ADS-B In/Out); PM1000 Intercom $225,000 McCreery Aviation Company, Inc. • (956) 686-1774 2012 Aviat Husky A-1C-200 S/N 3141 - N71WY TTAF 460 - Lycoming IO-360-A1B6; Brand New MT Ultra Prop; Corrosion-Free; Garmin 796; SL40 Comm; Garmin 345 Transponder with ADS-B WX & Traffic on the 796; Distinctive Paint
1966 Beechcraft A23-24 S/N MA-52 - N5965S TTAF 1787 - Lycoming IO-360 - 200 HP; 334 Hours SMOH; Garmin 340 Audio Panel; 2 Garmin G5’s; Garmin 175 WAAS GPS;
2 Garmin 225 VHF Com; Garmin 320 Transponder; Skybeacon ADS-B; Vortex Generators; Complete Logs
$269,000 McCreery Aviation Company, Inc. • (956) 686-1774
$114,000 Hiller Aviation Consulting • (206) 423-2913
2000 Beechcraft A36 Bonanza S/N E-3358 - N3218X
1982 Beechcraft B36TC Bonanza S/N EA-275 - N6444C TTAF 3397 - Meticulously Maintained Aircraft; Continental TSIO-520-UB; GAMI Injectors; Garmin GTN 750; GTX 345 ADS-B In/Out; WX-10 Weather Mapping System; Merlyn Induction Intercooler; Aero Engineering Upper Rudder Hinge Bracket STC; Built-in Oxygen System $349,900 On Centerline Aviation • (720) 839-7652
1966 Beechcraft C33 Debonair S/N 980 - N422V TTAF 3850 - 225 HP Engine - 305 Hours Since Factory Overhaul; Garmin 250 GPS/Comm; Narco Comm 120; Narco Nav 122; Narco Nav 120; Garmin 327 Transponder; uAvionix ADS-B Out Wingtip Beacon; PM501 Intercom; Excellent Paint & Interior; Clean & Hangared TTAF 2180 - Only 360 Hours Since Factory New Engine and 180 Hours Since Factory New Propeller; D’Shannon 20 Gallon Tip Tanks; Garmin GNS 530W GPS/COM/NAV/WAAS; Garmin GNS 430W GPS/COMM/NAV/ WAAS; Garmin GTX 345 In/Out Transponder; BFG WX 500 StormScope; Outstanding Cosmetics; Standby Vacuum System; Standby Alternator $519,000 Premier Aircraft Sales, Inc. • (954) 771-0411
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$139,000 Kent Cook • (309) 955-7060
29 Aircraft For Sale | March 2024
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