King's Business - 1942-02

February, 1942



Assurance came to the disciples by means of a rebuke from the Lord. In spite of the raging wind and sea, Jesus was calmly sleeping, undis­ turbed. When the disciples had awak­ ened Him, He asked why they were fearful. Why should any child of God be fearful in the face of any danger when the Lord has promised never to leave nor to forsake His own? Fear unfits for service and as wholly un­ necessary. It steals the joy out of the heart. Jesus rebuked the wind and the sea with a word. There was “ a great tempest,” then a word of authority, and then •“ a 'great calm.” Is it any wonder that the dispiples marveled, saying, “What manner of man is this?” His mariner of working proved that the Lord Jesus was a man wholly given to God’s will so that God could work through Him and reveal Himself in Him. It was the manner of the Son of man.exercising man’s authority which had been lost by Adam’s sin (cf. Gen. 1:26; Psa. 8:4-8). II. A uthority over S upernatural F orces (28-34) Coming into the country of the Gad- *arenes, Jesus 'and His disciples met two demoniacs, who were so fierce and dangerous that no one could pass that way without fear of being mo­ lested by them. Demons aoe supernat­ ural beings. These demons revealed that they knew who the Lord Jesus was, for they cried: “What have we to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son- of God?” And they showed also that they knew their ultimate destiny by say­ ing, “Art thou come hither to torment us before the time?” It is apparent that demons think, desire, plan, and have knowledge beyond the knowl­ edge of men. It would appear that they are able to give physical strength to those they possess. Demons desire always to inhabit a body. The demons mentioned in. this lesson, knowing they would be driven out of the men, asked to be allowed to enter a herd of swine near by. Per­ mission being given, they went out of the men and entered the swine. The herd was maddened by this occur­ rence, ran into .the sea, and was drowned. There are critics who complain that Jesus had no right to permit the de­ struction of the swine and to thus de­ prive the owners of-their property. These critics forget two things: First, that Jesus was possessed of divine authority, and second, that there was a law forbidding the keeping of swine in that country. The United States of America has. the right to pronounce any article as contraband, and then, when the article is found within its boundaries, to destroy it. Has God not *

ward the top one inch, then slightly enlarge to resemble a cork. In the opening between the flaps print the word “WHISKY,” beginning at the top and working toward the bottom. Open the flaps, and using the w o r d “WHISKY,” complete the following words: “SORROW, DEATH, PAIN, DESPAIR, SICKNESS, and POVERTY.” To make the paper flask look more realistic, unfold, press against a win­ dow screen, and with a light brown crayon, rub over the surface of the paper, giving a speckled appearance. Shift the paper and follow the same procedure with a green crayon.) To some people a whisky bottle ap­ pears attractive. But let us open this bottle and look at the inside in order that we may see what whisky has in it. ' The first word we see is “SORROW.” Whisky always in the end brings sor­ row to the person who drinks it Th’e next word is “DEATH,” reminding us that the one who drinks whisky often dies sooner than he would otherwise. Other words found here are “PAIN, DESPAIR, SICKNESS, and POVERTY,” reminding us of some of the sad re­ sults .which come to those who drink whisky. This imitation whisky bottle causes us to think of the words found in Proverbs 20:1: “Wine is a mocker . . . and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise.” LE SSOR T E X T ; M atth ew 8:23-34. GO LDEN T E X T ; “ W h a t m an ner o f m an is this, th at even the w in d s and the sea o b e y h im !” (M att. 8 :2 7 ). D E V O T ION A L R E A D IN G : P sa. 19:1-6. Outline and Exposition I. A uthority over N atural F orces (23-27) P ERIL CAME to the disciples when which they were powerless, in spite of their seamanship.- The storm was a sudden, hateful, overwhelming at­ tack from Satan, launched, through the forces of nature, against both Jesus and His disciples. BLACKBOARD LESSON

then they become a curse Instead of a blessing. Girls and boys who love the Lord Jesus' will remember not to use God’s gift of food for evil purposes. To do so harms their own bodies and dishonors God. 1


Object Lesson A WrsE W arning

OB.JECT: An imitation whisky bot­ tle. (Use a piece of paper 8%xll inches, or larger if visibility requires. Fold in the middle, making the size 8% x 5% inches. Fold each edge to within Vi of an inch of the center fold, making the size approximately 8% x 2% inches. With the single fold to the left, cut to the right, making half of a. flask shape. When opened, it will resemble a whisky bottle, 8% 'X 5% inches. The bottom corner should be rounded slightly. The top should slope in to within % inch of the fold, about 6% inches from the bottom to allow for the neck. Cut to­ M a tth ew 8:23 A n d w h en h e w a s en­ te re d in to a ship» h is d iscip les fo llo w e d him . 24 A n d, beh old , th e re a ro se a g re a t tem p e st in th e sea, in som u ch th a t the sh ip w a s co v e re d w ith th e w a v e s : but he w a s asleep. 25 A n d his d iscip les cam e t o him , and a w o k e him , sa y in g , L ord , sa v e n s : w e perish . 26 A n d h e $aith u n to them . W h y are y e fe a rfu l, O ye o f little fa ith ? T h en he a ro se , an d reb u k ed th e w in d s and th e s e a ; and th e re w as a g r e a t ca lm . 27 B ut the m en m arveled , sa y in g , W h a t m an n er o f m an is th is, th a t even th e w in d s and th e sea o b e y h im ! 28 A n d w h en he w as com e to the o th e r sid e in to th e co u n try o f the G er- g esen es, th e re m et him tw o p ossessed w ith d evils, co m in g ou t o f th e tom b s, e x ce e d in g fie rce , so th a t n o m an m ig h t pass b y th a t w a y . 29 A n d, b eh old , th e y crie d ou t, sa y in g , W h a t h a v e w e to d o w ith th ee, Jesu s, them Son o f G od ? art th o u com e h ith er to torm en t us b e fo re th e tim e ? 30 A nd th ere w a s a g o o d w a y o f f fro m th em a h erd o f m an y sw in e fe e d in g . 31 So th e d evils b e so u g h t him , sa y in g , I f th o u ca st us . ou t, s u ffe r us to g o a w a y in to th e herd o f sw in e. 32 A nd he said u n to th em , G o. A nd w h en th e y w e re com e ou t, th ey w en t in to th e herd o f s w in e ; and, b eh old , th e w h o le herd o f sw in e ran v io le n tly d ow n a steep p la ce in to the. sea, and perish ed in th e w aters. 33 A nd th e y th a t k e p t th em fle d , and w en t, jth eir w a y s into, th e city , and to ld e v e ry th in g , and w h a t w a s b e fa lle n to th e p ossessed o f the. d evils. 34 A nd, b eh old , th e w h o le c ity cam e o u t to m eet J e su s: and w hen th e y saw him , th e y b e so u g h t him th a t he w o u ld d ep a rt ou t o f th e ir coa sts.

MARCH 15,1942 THE MIGHTY WORKS OF JESUS M atth ew 8:23-34; M ark 4:35-41; L uke 8:26-56

they accompanied the Lord in the boat and faced a great storm. There they met a danger against



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