King's Business - 1942-02



February, 1942


came to comfort some frightened peo­ ple. It-wasn't a mother. Do you know Who it was? Yes, it was the Lord Jesús. His followers were out on the Sea of Galilee and a Storm arose. Jesus was asleep in the boat. They woke Him, crying, “Lord, save us: we perish” (Matt. 8:25). Jesus just spoke to the wind and the waves, and there was a great cálm. Do you know why they obeyed Him? The reason was that He had created them and they knew their Master. Jesus was better than a mother because He not only stayed with His frightened people; He also stopped the storm for.them. No one but Jesus could do that. Would you like to have Him in your boat if you were on a stormy sea? Would you like to have Him with you in an earthquake? He will be glad to go with you through all the scarey things if you will let Him. But the best way to be sure that He will be around when you need Him is to take Him into your heart and let Him stay there. Who will do that this morning?

break down the sanity of the mind. To knpw Christ as Lord of .the uni­ verse, and to trust Him completely, is the best antidote to the poison of fear. That is the reason we hear so often from His own lips the blessed admonition, “Fear not.” 4. "He arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea" (v. 26). •If you wonder why the Lord should “rebuke” the inanimate and unintelligent forces of nature, do not forget that sometimes behind the raging-of the elements is the power of Satan. See Job 1:12-19 for examples. It is not, at all mere speculation to see in this “great tem­ pest” on the Sea of Galilee one more of the devil’s many attempts to .de­ stroy the One who came to be the Saviour of the world. And it may well be that the Lord recognized the great evil intelligence which may have been behind the storm—hence His “rebuke.” And just as He is the Lord of the ele­ ments of nature,. He is also Lord over the devil and all his hosts of hell. Golden Text Illustration M atthe W 8:27 A man who had all his life, been impatient of any allusion to miracles went to two; different churches on the same Sunday and heard two preach­ ers, each of whom took a miracle for his text. At any previous time in his life he would have been irritated by the subject and refused his attention. One preacher spoke on the man at Bethsaida who had been “ a long time in that case.” To hear from believing lips something convincing, and hope­ ful about the resources of God’s good­ ness was what the modern churchgoer was craving. He had been “ a long time 'in that case,’? and was in deep need of a miracle.— Five Thousand Best Modern Illustrations, by Hallock. Because Jesus Is Near M atthew 8:23-27; M ark 4:35-41 MEMORY VERSE: “I will fear mo evil: for thou art with me” (Psa. 23:4). APPROACH: Did you-ever lie in bed and listen to the wind howl outside? Did it frighten you a little? Did you long for Mother? Perhaps she came in to see whether you were afraid.

the right to declare what Is contra­ band in His country and also the right to destroy whatever is not thus allowed? The keepers of the swine fled into the city and told,.of the circumstances of their loss. The whole city came out and besought Jesus to depart from their country. They had the testimony of His authority and power, but they looked upon Him merely as a curi­ osity, dangerous to t h e i r business. The fear of material loss drove them to accept far greater spiritual loss in the departure of the Lord Jesus from- their midst. Thus many people today miss' the greater spiritual blessing that could be theirs—all because of the. fear of losing lesser material gains. Points and Problems 1. "When he was entered info a ship, his disciples f o l l owe d him" (Matt. 8:23). The disciples that ¿fol­ lowed. Him probably included many more thàn the Twelve. See Mark 3:36 where we learn that “there were also with him other little ships.” This fact would make thè miracle of calming the storm all the morè impressive, since doubtless all these boats were caught in the danger. ‘2. "But he was asleep" (v. 24). Here we have one of the most precious proofs of the reality of our Lord’s hu­ manity. “ In all things,” sin apart, He was made like unto His brethren (Heb. 2:17). His body, being truly hu­ man, grew weary and required the rest which comes in sleep. Yèt we are not to forget that this same Per­ son was also the eternal God who neither slumbers nor sleeps (Psa. 121:4). How true humanity and Deity could be brought together and united in one Person is surely one of the* great mysteries of Christian faith. But even if we cannot explain the mys­ tery, we can find unspeakable com­ fort in believing in the blessed Person of Christ, who as man can be touched With the feeling of our infirmities, and who as God is infinitely able to help us in time of need. 3. "Why are ye fearful?" (v. 26). Fear is one of thé commonest instincts of the humanity that we know. Mod­ ern psychologists list -it among the basic instincts. To fear, we say, is perfectly natural. Yet this thing should have no place«in the Christian life. If the Son of God is with us, as He was with the‘disciples on the sea, then no matter how small the boat or how great the storm, we should not fear. Fear dishonors God. Not only so, but fear can work disaster in the minds and bodies of men. Scientists regard fear as something almost worse than disease. Where it persists, fear is able to disrupt thé normal func­ tioning of the bodily organs and even

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OBJECT: A piece of paper 8% x 11 inches. (Fold the paper four times, making the following sizes: 8% x 5%, 5% x 4%, 4 y4 x 2%, 2% x 2%. With the single fold to the left and the dou­ ble fold at the top, print a tiny “F” with yellow crayon. Swing the top double fold around to the left and unfold toward you: With the single fold to the left and the double one at the top, print a yellow “F” larger than the first. Turn and unfold as before, and print a yellow “F” still larger. Continue opening the paper and add­ ing the letter “F” twice more, when the paper will have returned to its original size; 8% x 11 inches. Fold the paper before the lesson, and hold in the palm of the left hand at the beginning of the lesson.). LESSON: Who can see what is in my hand? Christian Greeting Cards Cards fo r . all .iccasions. Birthday, Congratula­ tions, Good. Cheer, Get Well, and Sympathy fold­ ers^. Aiso 33ASTER .GREETINGS. EacH^exquislte card has some distinctive touch which gives it instant appeal.; Also true Christian Sentiments .on*every ■card. \ Rock bottom prices insure nm” agents large all-year*round profits. Write TO­ DAY for complete information.- SCRIPTl'RE GREETING CARD CO. Dept. 2 Box 522 Philadelphia, Pa.

T h e n you forgot about the wind be­ cause Mother was there a n d . every­ thing was all right. But the wind went right on blowing, for .mothers cannot stop the wind. The best they can do is to stay with their


children through th,e storm. But there is One who can make the wind stop blowing. Do you know who it is? LESSON- STORY: Today we have a story about a storm and One who

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