King's Business - 1942-02

February, 1942



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“Saviour.” His name is full of meaning to us and to God. Do you know why it means so much to God? The Lord Jesus is God’s Son. It is important that we know wbo He is. When,He was upon earth, He asked His dis­ ciples who they believed He was, and when Peter answered, “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God” (Matt. 16:16), Jesus called’ Peter “blessed.” He said He was going to build His church upon the great fact that He was the,Son of God. If Jesus said, this fact was important, we may knoi' that it is. Men may think it makes no difference who Jesus was, so long as He was a good man; it may not matter to them who He was, but it matters to. God. Do you believe that Jesus is the Son of God? Do you believe He is the Saviour of the world? Is He your Saviour? Can you sing: “ Jesus is the sweetest name I know, • And He’s just the same As His lovely name; That’s the reason why I love Him so— For Jesus is the sweetest name1I know” ? Object Lesson C onfessing C hrist OBJECTS: A tin heart and a glass heart. (To make the hearts, use a piece of tin and a piece of glass 8x10 inches. Use four pieces of paper the same size, and cut hearts from the centers. Paste these sheets on, the front and back of the tin and glass. On the back of the hearts in the opening write backwards the word “CHRIST” using water colors.) LESSON: These hearts are the same

From the pen of

E. SCHUYLER ENGLISH: THE LIFE AND LETTERS OF SAINT PETER A Comprehensive Biography and Exposition in Four Sections X. Simon, the Fisherman II

size and look very much alike. What is the difference? “One is -tin and the other glass.” They remind me of the disciples to whom the Lord Jesus said: “Whom say ye that I am?” (Mk. 8:29). Peter, like the glass heart, was quick to confess Jesus as Christ, for he said: “Thou art the Christ.” The other disciples 'were like this tin heart in that they did not confess Jesus as the Christ. In their hearts they recog­ nized Him as such, but they did not confess Him pn this occasion. If we turn the tin heart around, we see the letters found, in the word “Christ,” but it is difficult to read them. Often the followers of Christ today have opportunities of confessing Him, but their hearts are like the tin, re­ fusing to make Him known. Because of Peter’s confession, Christ said to him, “Blessed art thou, Simon” (Matt. 16:17). Present-day Christians who are faithful in confessing Christ will be blessed by Him. It Is not enough to give Christ a place in the heart. He longs that we should con­ fess Him as Saviour to others. Are other people reminded of the Lord iesus by your life and your wdrds? Let us resolve to be like the glass heart,1 always confessing Christ. 32 But P eter and th ey th at w ere w ith him w ere h ea vy w ith sle e p ; and w h en ' they w ere a w a k e, th ey sa w his g lo ry , and tlje tw o m en that stood .w ith him . , 33 And It cam e to pass, as th ey d e­ parted -from him , P eter said u n to Jesu s, M aster, it is go o d fo r us to be h ere; and let us m ak e th ree ta b e rn a cle s: on e fo r thee, and on e fo r M oses, and on e fo r E lia s: not know ing- w h at he said. 34 W h ile he thus spake, (h ere cam e a clou d , and ov ersh ad ow ed th em : and they fea red as they •en tered into the cloud. 35 And th ere cam e a v o ice ou t o f the clou d , sa y in g , T h is is m y b eloved Son* hea r him. 3H And -when the VO Jce Vras past, Je sus w as found al one . A:nd they kept it cU INC, and told n IO ma n in those d a ys a:ny of tllO K f 1 th in gs wh ich th ey hand seen. 37 And it caime to pass th at o n the next "Ttay, w lien tliley w ere com e do wn from the h ill , m uch pe■ople m et him 38 A nd, behold, a man o f the com pany cried out, sayin g. M aster, 1 beseech thee, look upon m y S on; fo r he is m ine only child. 39 And, lo, a sp irit tak etli him , and he su dden ly ciie th o u t; and it teareth him that he foam eth a ga in , and b ru isin g him , h a rd ly departeth from him .

Simon Peter, the Disciple III Peter, the Apostle IV Saint Peter, Man of Letters/ 271 Pages: Beauti­ ful Jacket; C l o t h Binding. $1.25

STUDIES IN THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO MATTHEW A C lear and E xh a u stiv e D ev otion al S tu d y ' (N ow in Its T h ird E d ition ) 226 P a g ls ; B ea u tifu l J a ck e t; C loth B in d in g, $1,00 BY LIFE AND BY DEATH E x ce rp ts and L esson s fxom the X D ia ry o f Johrt C. Stam o f C hina A D ev otion a l M ission a ry S tudy (F ifth E d itio n ) , 62 P a g e s; P a p er B in d in g ; $.25 Special Price for the three books: $2 .25 Order from : OUR HOPE PUBLICATIONS 456 Fourth Avenue, New York, N. Y. the spirit of Christ, and was led to "give his life to the same Lord and Master.—The Sunday School Chronicle in Cyclopedia of Religious Anecdotes by Lawson. Who Is Jesus? M atthew 16:13-21 ; M ark 8:27-31; L uke 9:18-22 | MEMORY VERSE: “Thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people, from their sins” (Matt. 1 : 21 ). ¿is APPROACH: Did you ever try to find out what your name meant? Per­ haps you do not know whether your name has a meaning, but most of our common names do. For instance:

MARCH 29, 1942 THE TRANSFIGURED CHRIST MEETS HUMAN NEED M atthew 17:1-20; M ark 9:2-29; L uke 9:28-43a

L u ke 9:28 A nd it cam e to pas» abou t an eigh t d a y » a fte r these sa y in g s, lie to o k P eter and John and Jam es, and w en t up in to a m ountain to pray. 29 And as he p ra yed , th e fa sh ion o f his cou n ten a n ce w as altered , and Ilfs raim en t w as w h ite and g liste rin g . 30 And. behold,’ there ta lk ed w ith him tw o m en, w h ich w ere M oses and E lia s: 31 W h o appeared in g lo r y , and spake o f his d ecease w h ich he sh ou ld a ccom ­ plish at Jerusalem .

BLACKBOARD l e s s o n

David means “be- l o v e d ” ; S a r a h means “princess” ; Ruth m e a n s “a friend.” It would be fun to see what your name means. LESSON STORY:

Do you know what the name “Jesus” means? It means DIYISiOH


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